Mônica Ferreira da Silva
Cited by
Cited by
Como escrever uma monografia: manual de elaboração com exemplos e exercícios
D de Souza Dias, MF da Silva
Atlas, 2010
Como escrever uma monografia
DS Dias, MF Silva
Relatórios Coppead, 2009
Fatores Humanos e sua influência na intenção de uso de sistemas de informação
MF Silva
Employing resilience engineering in eliciting software requirements for complex systems: experiments with the functional resonance analysis method (FRAM)
EA de Carvalho, JO Gomes, A Jatobá, MF da Silva, PVR de Carvalho
Cognition, Technology & Work 23, 65-83, 2021
Big data management and processing
KC Li, H Jiang, AY Zomaya
CRC Press, 2017
Packaging reusable components using patterns and hypermedia
MF da Silva, CML Werner
Proceedings of Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse, 146-155, 1996
Literature review on the theory of constraints applied in the software development process
S Ribeiro, E Schmitz, A Alencar, M Silva
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (11), 2747-2756, 2018
Memphis: A reuse based OO software development environment
CML Werner, GH Travassos, AR Da Rocha, AM De Cima, MF Da Silva, ...
Proceedings. Technology of Object-Oriented Languages. TOOLS 24 (Cat. No …, 1997
Timing of some events of the gametogenesis in the male Nile tilapia, Sarotherodon niloticus
M Silva, HP Godinho
Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp 72, 231-237, 1983
Evaluation of Agile Software Projects in the Public Sector: A Literature Review.
MC Fernandes, AJ Alencar, EA Schmitz, MF da Silva, PS Stefaneas
J. Softw. 11 (3), 312-325, 2016
Uma década de interações entre eventos e pesquisadores do CSBC: Um estudo meta-científico
LP Carvalho, S Lima Filho, MA Brandão, J Oliveira, FM Santoro, ...
Anais do XII Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 139-150, 2023
Numerical study of single taylor bubble movement through a microchannel using different CFD packages
MF Silva, JBLM Campos, JM Miranda, JDP Araújo
Processes 8 (11), 1418, 2020
Analyzing social relations in startup ecosystems
R Escalfoni, MF Silva, J Oliveira
Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-7, 2020
Intenção de Uso de Tecnologia de Informação: um estudo sobre a influência do contexto social em uma empresa do setor acadêmico brasileiro
MF Silva, DS Dias
XXXIX CLADEA, Puerto Plata, República Dominicana, 2004
Research Opportunities on the Application of the Theory of Constraints to Software Process Development.
SA Ribeiro, EA Schmitz, AJ Alencar, MF da Silva
J. Softw. 12 (4), 227-239, 2017
O espermatozóide de Oreochromis niloticus (Peixe, Teleósteo)
M Silva, HP Godinho
Revta Brasil Biol 51, 39-43, 1991
DevOps adoption: Eight emergent perspectives
ML Pedra, MF da Silva, LG Azevedo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.09601, 2021
A mapping study of scientific merit of papers, which subject are web applications test techniques, considering their validity threats
AGS Nascimento, E Schmitz, M Silva, P Lima
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 15, e201815006, 2018
Violência obstétrica na sala de parto: tipos de violência e perfil das vítimas/Obstetric violence in birth room: types of violences and profile of victims
CR Arantes, JEP Paixão, LMF Oliveira, RB Siqueira, GB Siqueira, M Silva
Brazilian J Dev 7 (8), 77964-80, 2021
Analyzing IT Governance Initiatives with Game Theory: A Systematic literature Review.
MM De Faria, EA Schmitz, AJ Alencar, MF da Silva, PS Stefaneas
J. Softw. 10 (9), 1056-1069, 2015
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Articles 1–20