Stanislaw J. Piestrak
Stanislaw J. Piestrak
Professor of Computer Engineering, Université de Lorraine, France
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe univ-lorraine.fr
Citat de
Citat de
Design of residue generators and multioperand modular adders using carry-save adders
SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Computers 43 (1), 68-77, 1994
Design of residue generators and multioperand modular adders using carry-save adders
SJ Piestrak
Proc. 10th Symp. on Computer Arithmetic, 100-107, 1991
Design of self-testing checkers for unidirectional error detecting codes
SJ Piestrak
Scientific Papers of the Inst. of Techn. Cybern. of the Wroclaw Univ. of …, 1995
A high-speed realization of a residue to binary number system converter
SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 1995
Low overhead fault-tolerance technique for dynamically reconfigurable softcore processor
HM Pham, S Pillement, SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Computers 62 (6), 1179-1192, 2013
Design of fast self-testing checkers for a class of Berger codes
SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 629-634, 1987
Design of fast self-testing checkers for a class of Berger codes
SJ Piestrak
Dig. Papers 15th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-15), 418-423, 1985
Exploiting residue number system for power-efficient digital signal processing in embedded processors
R Chokshi, KS Berezowski, A Shrivastava, SJ Piestrak
Proc. ACM Embedded Systems Week Conf. - CASES, 19-27, 2009
Towards totally self-checking delay-insensitive systems
SJ Piestrak, T Nanya
Dig. Pap. 25th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-25), 228-237, 1995
Design of high-speed residue-to-binary number system converter based on Chinese Remainder Theorem
SJ Piestrak
Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers & Processors (ICCD'94 …, 1994
Design of Reverse Converters for General RNS Moduli Sets { 2^k, 2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^{n-1}-1 } and { 2^k, 2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1 } (n even)
P Patronik, SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers 61 (6), 1687-1700, 2014
Design of a fault-tolerant coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture: A case study
SMAH Jafri, SJ Piestrak, O Sentieys, S Pillement
Proc. 11th Int. Symp. on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 845-852, 2010
The minimal test set for sorting networks and the use of sorting networks in self-testing checkers for unordered codes
SJ Piestrak
Dig. Pap. 20th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-20), 457-464, 1990
Design method of totally self-checking checkers for m-out-of-n codes
SJ Piestrak
Dig. Pap. 13th Int. Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-13), 162-168, 1983
Design of squarers modulo A with low-level pipelining
SJ Piestrak
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 2002
Membership test logic for delay-insensitive codes
SJ Piestrak
Proc. Int. Symp. on Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems …, 1998
Fast and energy-efficient constant-coefficient FIR filters using residue number system
P Patronik, KS Berezowski, SJ Piestrak, J Biernat, A Shrivastava
Proc. Int. Symp. on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 385-390, 2011
Error recovery technique for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures
MM Azeem, SJ Piestrak, O Sentieys, S Pillement
Proc. 14th IEEE Symp. on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits …, 2011
Design of residue multipliers-accumulators using periodicity
SJ Piestrak, KS Berezowski
Proc. 16th IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2008), 380-385, 2008
Efficient Hamming weight comparators of binary vectors
SJ Piestrak
Electronics Letters 43 (11), 611-612, 2007
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