Paulo Bandiera-Paiva
Paulo Bandiera-Paiva
Other namesPaulo b Paiva, Paulo Paiva, Pb paiva
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Sistemas de informação para gestão hospitalar
SR Pereira, PB Paiva, PRS de Souza, G Siqueira, AR Pereira
Journal of Health Informatics 4 (4), 2012
Health Information System Role‐Based Access Control Current Security Trends and Challenges
MA de Carvalho Junior, P Bandiera-Paiva
Journal of healthcare engineering 2018 (1), 6510249, 2018
Identification of functionally conserved residues with the use of entropy–variability plots
L Oliveira, PB Paiva, ACM Paiva, G Vriend
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 52 (4), 544-552, 2003
Molecular evolution and phylogenetic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 and hosts ACE2 protein suggest Malayan pangolin as intermediary host
LR Lopes, G de Mattos Cardillo, PB Paiva
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 51 (4), 1593-1599, 2020
Evaluation of usability of a neonatal health information system according to the user’s perception
L Padrini-Andrade, RCX Balda, KCN Areco, P Bandiera-Paiva, MV Nunes, ...
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 37, 90-96, 2018
Identification of midgut microvillar proteins from Tenebrio molitor and Spodoptera frugiperda by cDNA library screenings with antibodies
AHP Ferreira, PT Cristofoletti, DM Lorenzini, LO Guerra, PB Paiva, ...
Journal of insect physiology 53 (11), 1112-1124, 2007
Sequence analysis reveals how G protein–coupled receptors transduce the signal to the G protein
L Oliveira, PB Paiva, ACM Paiva, G Vriend
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 52 (4), 553-560, 2003
Avaliação da usabilidade de um sistema de informação em saúde neonatal segundo a percepção do usuário
L Padrini-Andrade, RCX Balda, KCN Areco, P Bandiera-Paiva, MV Nunes, ...
Revista paulista de pediatria 37, 90-96, 2018
Annual trend of neonatal mortality and its underlying causes: population-based study–São Paulo State, Brazil, 2004–2013
R Guinsburg, A Sanudo, CRV Kiffer, ASS Marinonio, DT Costa-Nobre, ...
BMC pediatrics 21 (1), 54, 2021
Outcomes of laser thermal therapy for recurrent head and neck cancer
JA Sercarz, M Bublik, J Joo, PB Paiva, KN Areco, MH Brandalise, C Loh, ...
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery 142 (3), 344-350, 2010
Adoção de padrões para Registro Eletrônico em Saúde no Brasil
TV Araujo, SR Pires, P Bandiera-Paiva
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e …, 2014
Canine distemper virus: detection of viral RNA by Nested RT-PCR in dogs with clinical diagnosis
R Alcalde, MM Kogika, VAB Fortunato, BMP Coelho, LR Lopes, PB Paiva, ...
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci 50 (1), 74-76, 2013
Avaliação da usabilidade de interface gráfica de dois sistemas de gestão hospitalar
TTI Yamamoto, P Bandiera-Paiva, M Ito
Journal of Health Informatics 7 (2), 2015
Hippocampal gene expression analysis using the ORESTES methodology shows that homer 1a mRNA is upregulated in the acute period of the pilocarpine epilepsy model
M Avedissian, BM Longo, CB Jaqueta, B Schnabel, PB Paiva, ...
Hippocampus 17 (2), 130-136, 2007
A importância da Engenharia da Usabilidade para a Segurança de Sistemas Informatizados em Saúde
SR Pereira, PB Paiva
Journal of Health Informatics 3 (3), 2011
Operational challenges in the use of structured secondary data for health research
KN Areco, T Konstantyner, P Bandiera-Paiva, RCX Balda, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 642163, 2021
Evaluating ISO 14441 privacy requirements on role based access control (RBAC) restrict mode via Colored Petri Nets (CPN) modeling
MA de Carvalho, P Bandiera-Paiva
2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), 1-8, 2017
Factorial and construct validity of Portuguese version (Brazil) Bergen Facebook addiction scale
HRS Silva, KCN Areco, P Bandiera-Paiva, PVM Galvão, ANM Garcia, ...
Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria 67, 110-117, 2018
Avaliação da equivalência semântica da versão em português (Brasil) da Online Cognition Scale
HRS Silva, KCN Areco, P Bandiera-Paiva, PVM Galvão, ANM Garcia, ...
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 30, 1327-1334, 2014
Clusters of preterm live births and respiratory distress syndrome-associated neonatal deaths: spatial distribution and cooccurrence patterns
ASS Marinonio, DT Costa-Nobre, MH Miyoshi, RCX Balda, KCN Areco, ...
BMC Public Health 22 (1), 1226, 2022
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