Joost Wegman
Joost Wegman
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Stress matters: randomized controlled trial on the effect of probiotics on neurocognition
S Papalini, F Michels, N Kohn, J Wegman, S van Hemert, K Roelofs, ...
Neurobiology of stress 10, 100141, 2019
Loss of lateral prefrontal cortex control in food-directed attention and goal-directed food choice in obesity
LK Janssen, I Duif, I van Loon, J Wegman, JHM de Vries, R Cools, E Aarts
Neuroimage 146, 148-156, 2017
Neural encoding of objects relevant for navigation and resting state correlations with navigational ability
J Wegman, G Janzen
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (12), 3841-3854, 2011
Contrasting neural effects of aging on proactive and reactive response inhibition
M Bloemendaal, B Zandbelt, J Wegman, O van de Rest, R Cools, E Aarts
Neurobiology of Aging 46, 96-106, 2016
Encoding and retrieval of landmark‐related spatial cues during navigation: An fMRI study
J Wegman, A Tyborowska, G Janzen
Hippocampus 24 (7), 853-868, 2014
Gray and white matter correlates of navigational ability in humans
J Wegman, HM Fonteijn, J van Ekert, A Tyborowska, C Jansen, G Janzen
Human Brain Mapping 35 (6), 2561-2572, 2014
Neuro-cognitive effects of acute tyrosine administration on reactive and proactive response inhibition in healthy older adults
M Bloemendaal, MI Froböse, J Wegman, BB Zandbelt, O van de Rest, ...
eneuro 5 (2), 2018
Posterior resting state EEG asymmetries are associated with hedonic valuation of food
ME van Bochove, E Ketel, M Wischnewski, J Wegman, E Aarts, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 110, 40-46, 2016
Effects of distraction on taste-related neural processing: a cross-sectional fMRI study
I Duif, J Wegman, MM Mars, C De Graaf, PAM Smeets, E Aarts
The American journal of clinical nutrition 111 (5), 950-961, 2020
Top-down expectation effects of food labels on motivation
J Wegman, I van Loon, PAM Smeets, R Cools, E Aarts
NeuroImage 173, 13-24, 2018
Task-and experience-dependent cortical selectivity to features informative for categorization
M van der Linden, J Wegman, G Fernández
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26 (2), 319-333, 2014
Neurocognitive development of memory for landmarks
J Ekert, J Wegman, G Janzen
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 224, 2015
Comparison of explicit vs. implicit measurements in predicting food purchases
E Kytö, H Bult, E Aarts, J Wegman, RMAJ Ruijschop, S Mustonen
Food Quality and Preference 78, 103733, 2019
Sex differences and the role of gaming experience in spatial cognition performance in primary school children: An exploratory study
C van Dun, A van Kraaij, J Wegman, J Kuipers, E Aarts, G Janzen
Brain Sciences 11 (7), 886, 2021
The brain‐derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism affects encoding of object locations during active navigation
J Wegman, A Tyborowska, M Hoogman, A Arias Vásquez, G Janzen
European Journal of Neuroscience 45 (12), 1501-1511, 2017
Neuro-Cognitive Effects of Acute Tyrosine Administration on Reactive and Proactive Response Inhibition in Healthy Older Adults. Eneuro, 5 (2), ENEURO. 0035-17.2018
M Bloemendaal, MI Froböse, J Wegman, BB Zandbelt, O van de Rest, ...
DOI 10, 0035-17.2018, 2018
The dynamics of memory consolidation of landmarks
J Van Ekert, J Wegman, C Jansen, A Takashima, G Janzen
Hippocampus 27 (4), 393-404, 2017
Development of Landmark Use for Navigation in Children: Effects of Age, Sex, Working Memory and Landmark Type
AH van Hoogmoed, J Wegman, D van den Brink, G Janzen
Brain Sciences 12 (6), 776, 2022
Distraction decreases rIFG-putamen connectivity during goal-directed effort for food rewards
I Duif, J Wegman, K de Graaf, PAM Smeets, E Aarts
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19072, 2020
Health interest modulates brain reward responses to a perceived low-caloric beverage in females.
I van Rijn, J Wegman, E Aarts, C de Graaf, PAM Smeets
Health Psychology 36 (1), 65, 2017
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