Dan Ioan Topor
Cited by
Cited by
Drivers and barriers in using industry 4.0: a perspective of SMEs in Romania
MC Türkeș, I Oncioiu, HD Aslam, A Marin-Pantelescu, DI Topor, ...
Processes 7 (3), 153, 2019
Impact of digitalization on customers’ well-being in the pandemic period: Challenges and opportunities for the retail industry
U Akram, MT Fülöp, A Tiron-Tudor, DI Topor, S Căpușneanu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (14), 7533, 2021
The impact of big data analytics on company performance in supply chain management
I Oncioiu, OC Bunget, MC Türkeș, S Căpușneanu, DI Topor, AS Tamaș, ...
Sustainability 11 (18), 4864, 2019
Contabilitatea şi controlul de gestiune: instrumente pentru evaluarea performanţei entităţii
S Briciu, S Căpuşneanu, LM Rof, D Topor
Aeternitas, 2010
Fintech accounting and Industry 4.0: future-proofing or threats to the accounting profession?
MT Fülöp, DI Topor, CA Ionescu, S Căpușneanu, TO Breaz, SG Stanescu
Journal of Business Economics and Management 23 (5), 997–1015-997–1015, 2022
Role of tour operators and travel agencies in promoting sustainable tourism
A Marin-Pantelescu, L Tăchiciu, S Căpuşneanu, DI Topor
Amfiteatru Economic 21 (52), 654-669, 2019
The sustainability of Romanian SMEs and their involvement in the circular economy
I Oncioiu, S Căpuşneanu, MC Türkeș, DI Topor, DMO Constantin, ...
Sustainability 10 (8), 2761, 2018
The Monitoring of Carbon Monoxide Air Pollutant, as Part of the Air Quality Management. Case Study: The Olt County, Romania
DMO Constantin, DI Topor, S Căpuşneanu, CM Barbu, E Bogan
Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Oeconomica 18 (2), 27-34, 2016
Fundamental power of social media interactions for building a brand and customer relations
I Oncioiu, S Căpușneanu, DI Topor, AS Tamaș, AG Solomon, T Dănescu
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (5), 1702 …, 2021
Challenges and perceptions of e-learning for educational sustainability in the “new normality era”
MT Fülöp, TO Breaz, ID Topor, CA Ionescu, LL Dragolea
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1104633, 2023
Ethical concerns associated with artificial intelligence in the accounting profession: a curse or a blessing?
MT Fülöp, DI Topor, CA Ionescu, J Cifuentes-Faura, N Măgdaș
Journal of Business Economics and Management 24 (2), 387–404-387–404, 2023
The role of mining in national economies
I Dorin, C Diaconescu, DI Topor
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2014
The impact of force factors on the benefits of digital transformation in Romania
S Căpușneanu, D Mateș, MC Tűrkeș, CM Barbu, AI Staraș, DI Topor, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (5), 2365, 2021
Intention to use accounting platforms in Romania: A quantitative study on sustainability and social influence
G Cokins, I Oncioiu, MC Türkeș, DI Topor, S Căpuşneanu, CA Paștiu, ...
Sustainability 12 (15), 6127, 2020
How website quality effects customer satisfaction and eWOM towards online purchase intention? Moderating role of risk-taking in gender
U Saleem, S Yi, M Bilal, DI Topor, S Căpușneanu
Frontiers in Psychology, 4256, 2022
Motivations for the use of IoT solutions by company managers in the digital age: A Romanian case
MC Tűrkeș, S Căpușneanu, DI Topor, AI Staraș, MȘ Hint, LF Stoenica
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6905, 2020
Econometric model used for GDP Correlation analysis and econimic aggregates
C Anghelache, MG Anghel, S Căpușneanu, DI Topor
Economic Computation & Economic Cybernetics Studies & Research 53 (1), 2019
Utilitarian and hedonic motivation in E-commerce online purchasing intentions
MT Fülöp, DI Topor, S Căpușneanu, CA Ionescu, U Akram
Eastern European Economics 61 (5), 591-613, 2023
The new era of business digitization through the implementation of 5G technology in Romania
CA Ionescu, MT Fülöp, DI Topor, S Căpușneanu, TO Breaz, SG Stănescu, ...
Sustainability 13 (23), 13401, 2021
The influence of corporate governance systems on a company’s market value
I Oncioiu, AG Petrescu, FR Bilcan, M Petrescu, MT Fülöp, DI Topor
Sustainability 12 (8), 3114, 2020
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Articles 1–20