Jens Maiero
Jens Maiero
Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM)
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On your feet! enhancing vection in leaning-based interfaces through multisensory stimuli
E Kruijff, A Marquardt, C Trepkowski, RW Lindeman, A Hinkenjann, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 149-158, 2016
The effect of narrow field of view and information density on visual search performance in augmented reality
C Trepkowski, D Eibich, J Maiero, A Marquardt, E Kruijff, S Feiner
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 575-584, 2019
Pedestrian indoor positioning using smartphone multi-sensing, radio beacons, user positions probability map and IndoorOSM floor plan representation
JCA Herrera, PG Plöger, A Hinkenjann, J Maiero, M Flores, A Ramos
2014 international conference on indoor positioning and indoor navigation …, 2014
Comparing non-visual and visual guidance methods for narrow field of view augmented reality displays
A Marquardt, C Trepkowski, TD Eibich, J Maiero, E Kruijff, J Schöning
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (12), 3389-3401, 2020
Facehaptics: Robot arm based versatile facial haptics for immersive environments
A Wilberz, D Leschtschow, C Trepkowski, J Maiero, E Kruijff, B Riecke
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Non-visual cues for view management in narrow field of view augmented reality displays
A Marquardt, C Trepkowski, TD Eibich, J Maiero, E Kruijff
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2019
Robust indoor localization using optimal fusion filter for sensors and map layout information
JCA Herrera, A Hinkenjann, PG Plöger, J Maiero
International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-8, 2013
Audio-tactile proximity feedback for enhancing 3D manipulation
A Marquardt, E Kruijff, C Trepkowski, J Maiero, A Schwandt, A Hinkenjann, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2018
How automatic speed control based on distance affects user behaviours in telepresence robot navigation within dense conference-like environments
AU Batmaz, J Maiero, E Kruijff, BE Riecke, C Neustaedter, W Stuerzlinger
Plos one 15 (11), e0242078, 2020
Tactile hand motion and pose guidance for 3d interaction
A Marquardt, J Maiero, E Kruijff, C Trepkowski, A Schwandt, A Hinkenjann, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2018
Multisensory proximity and transition cues for improving target awareness in narrow field of view augmented reality displays
C Trepkowski, A Marquardt, TD Eibich, Y Shikanai, J Maiero, K Kiyokawa, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 28 (2), 1342-1362, 2021
FeetBack: augmenting robotic telepresence with haptic feedback on the feet
B Jones, J Maiero, A Mogharrab, IA Aguliar, A Adhikari, BE Riecke, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 international conference on multimodal interaction …, 2020
Back-of-device force feedback improves touchscreen interaction for mobile devices
J Maiero, D Eibich, E Kruijff, A Hinkenjann, W Stuerzlinger, H Benko, ...
IEEE transactions on haptics 12 (4), 483-496, 2019
Multisensory virtual reality exposure therapy
A Marquardt, C Trepkowski, J Maiero, E Kruijff, A Hinkeniann
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 769-770, 2018
From scene graph centered to entity centered virtual environments
F Mannuß, A Hinkenjann, J Maiero
Proceedings of Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for …, 2008
Multilayer haptic feedback for pen-based tablet interaction
E Kruijff, S Biswas, C Trepkowski, J Maiero, G Ghinea, W Stuerzlinger
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
ForceTab: Visuo-haptic interaction with a force-sensitive actuated tablet
J Maiero, E Kruijff, A Hinkenjann, G Ghinea
2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 169-174, 2017
Guided high-quality rendering
T Roth, M Weier, J Maiero, A Hinkenjann, Y Li
Advances in Visual Computing: 11th International Symposium, ISVC 2015, Las …, 2015
Authoring Tools for Teaching in VR—an Evaluation Study
S Müser, J Maiero, J Meyer, A Hinkenjann
2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT …, 2023
Konzeption und Evaluation einer virtuellen Lernumgebung für die Hochschullehre
S Müser, J Maiero, CD Fehling, D Gilbert, S Eroglu, D Bachmann, ...
MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung 51 …, 2023
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Articles 1–20