Internet of Things: From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment O Vermesan, P Friess River Publishers, 2014 | 1157* | 2014 |
A survey on security threats and detection techniques in cognitive radio networks AG Fragkiadakis, EZ Tragos, IG Askoxylakis IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 15 (1), 428-445, 2012 | 540 | 2012 |
Spectrum assignment in cognitive radio networks: A comprehensive survey EZ Tragos, S Zeadally, AG Fragkiadakis, VA Siris IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 15 (3), 1108-1135, 2013 | 491 | 2013 |
Fedfast: Going beyond average for faster training of federated recommender systems K Muhammad, Q Wang, D O'Reilly-Morgan, E Tragos, B Smyth, N Hurley, ... Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020 | 241 | 2020 |
Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G mobile technologies CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis, JM Batalla Springer, 2016 | 232 | 2016 |
Digitising the Industry-Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds O Vermesan, P Friess River Publishers, 2016 | 207 | 2016 |
Internet of robotic things–converging sensing/actuating, hyperconnectivity, artificial intelligence and IoT platforms O Vermesan, A Bröring, E Tragos, M Serrano, D Bacciu, S Chessa, ... Cognitive hyperconnected digital transformation, 97-155, 2022 | 153 | 2022 |
Building the Hyperconnected Society: IoT Research and Innovation Value Chains, Ecosystems and Markets O Vermesan, P Friess River Publishers, 2015 | 131* | 2015 |
RERUM: Building a reliable IoT upon privacy-and security-enabled smart objects HC Pöhls, V Angelakis, S Suppan, K Fischer, G Oikonomou, EZ Tragos, ... 2014 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference workshops (WCNCW …, 2014 | 127 | 2014 |
Radio technologies and concepts for IMT-advanced M Döttling, W Mohr, A Osseiran John Wiley & Sons, 2009 | 124 | 2009 |
Admission control for QoS support in heterogeneous 4G wireless networks EZ Tragos, G Tsiropoulos, GT Karetsos, SA Kyriazakos IEEE network 22 (3), 30-37, 2008 | 89 | 2008 |
Internet of things beyond the hype: Research, innovation and deployment O Vermesan, P Friess, P Guillemin, R Giaffreda, H Grindvoll, ... Building the Hyperconnected Society-Internet of Things Research and …, 2022 | 83 | 2022 |
Routing in opportunistic networks I Woungang, SK Dhurandher, A Anpalagan, AV Vasilakos Springer, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Enabling reliable and secure IoT-based smart city applications EZ Tragos, V Angelakis, A Fragkiadakis, D Gundlegard, CS Nechifor, ... 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
Designing, developing, and facilitating smart cities: urban design to IoT solutions V Angelakis, E Tragos, HC Pöhls, A Kapovits, A Bassi Springer, 2016 | 68 | 2016 |
Cooperative wireless communications Y Zhang, HH Chen, M Guizani Auerbach Publications, 2009 | 66 | 2009 |
Cognitive radio inspired M2M communications EZ Tragos, V Angelakis 2013 16th international symposium on wireless personal multimedia …, 2013 | 63 | 2013 |
Internet of things cognitive transformation technology research trends and applications O Vermesan, M Eisenhauer, H Sundmaeker, P Guillemin, M Serrano, ... Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital Transformation, 17-95, 2022 | 59 | 2022 |
A theoretical scheme for applying game theory and network selection mechanisms in access admission control D Charilas, O Markaki, E Tragos 2008 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 303-307, 2008 | 53 | 2008 |
The next generation internet of things–hyperconnectivity and embedded intelligence at the edge O Vermesan, M Eisenhauer, M Serrano, P Guillemin, H Sundmaeker, ... Next Generation Internet of Things–Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and …, 2022 | 51 | 2022 |