Universal primers for amplification of three non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA P Taberlet, L Gielly, G Pautou, J Bouvet Plant molecular biology 17, 1105-1109, 1991 | 7209 | 1991 |
Comparative phylogeography and postglacial colonization routes in Europe P Taberlet, L Fumagalli, AG WUST‐SAUCY, JF COSSON Molecular ecology 7 (4), 453-464, 1998 | 3514 | 1998 |
Landscape genetics: combining landscape ecology and population genetics S Manel, MK Schwartz, G Luikart, P Taberlet Trends in ecology & evolution 18 (4), 189-197, 2003 | 3020 | 2003 |
Species detection using environmental DNA from water samples GF Ficetola, C Miaud, F Pompanon, P Taberlet Biology letters 4 (4), 423-425, 2008 | 2006 | 2008 |
Towards next‐generation biodiversity assessment using DNA metabarcoding P Taberlet, E Coissac, F Pompanon, C Brochmann, E Willerslev Molecular ecology 21 (8), 2045-2050, 2012 | 1955 | 2012 |
Reliable genotyping of samples with very low DNA quantities using PCR P Taberlet, S Griffin, B Goossens, S Questiau, V Manceau, N Escaravage, ... Nucleic acids research 24 (16), 3189-3194, 1996 | 1810 | 1996 |
How to track and assess genotyping errors in population genetics studies A Bonin, E Bellemain, P Bronken Eidesen, F Pompanon, C Brochmann, ... Molecular ecology 13 (11), 3261-3273, 2004 | 1700 | 2004 |
The power and promise of population genomics: from genotyping to genome typing G Luikart, PR England, D Tallmon, S Jordan, P Taberlet Nature reviews genetics 4 (12), 981-994, 2003 | 1661 | 2003 |
Estimating the probability of identity among genotypes in natural populations: cautions and guidelines LP Waits, G Luikart, P Taberlet Molecular ecology 10 (1), 249-256, 2001 | 1608 | 2001 |
Environmental DNA. P Taberlet, E Coissac, M Hajibabaei, LH Rieseberg Molecular ecology 21 (8), 2012 | 1512 | 2012 |
DNA barcoding for ecologists A Valentini, F Pompanon, P Taberlet Trends in ecology & evolution 24 (2), 110-117, 2009 | 1430 | 2009 |
Genotyping errors: causes, consequences and solutions F Pompanon, A Bonin, E Bellemain, P Taberlet Nature Reviews Genetics 6 (11), 847-859, 2005 | 1427 | 2005 |
Who is eating what: diet assessment using next generation sequencing F Pompanon, BE Deagle, WOC Symondson, DS Brown, SN Jarman, ... Molecular ecology 21 (8), 1931-1950, 2012 | 1425 | 2012 |
Power and limitations of the chloroplast trn L (UAA) intron for plant DNA barcoding P Taberlet, E Coissac, F Pompanon, L Gielly, C Miquel, A Valentini, ... Nucleic acids research 35 (3), e14-e14, 2007 | 1418 | 2007 |
Noninvasive genetic sampling: look before you leap P Taberlet, LP Waits, G Luikart Trends in ecology & evolution 14 (8), 323-327, 1999 | 1391 | 1999 |
ITS as an environmental DNA barcode for fungi: an in silico approach reveals potential PCR biases E Bellemain, T Carlsen, C Brochmann, E Coissac, P Taberlet, H Kauserud BMC microbiology 10, 1-9, 2010 | 1307 | 2010 |
Next‐generation monitoring of aquatic biodiversity using environmental DNA metabarcoding A Valentini, P Taberlet, C Miaud, R Civade, J Herder, PF Thomsen, ... Molecular ecology 25 (4), 929-942, 2016 | 1294 | 2016 |
obitools: a unix‐inspired software package for DNA metabarcoding F Boyer, C Mercier, A Bonin, Y Le Bras, P Taberlet, E Coissac Molecular ecology resources 16 (1), 176-182, 2016 | 1114 | 2016 |
Environmental DNA: For biodiversity research and monitoring P Taberlet, A Bonin, L Zinger, E Coissac Oxford University Press, 2018 | 1113 | 2018 |
Critical considerations for the application of environmental DNA methods to detect aquatic species CS Goldberg, CR Turner, K Deiner, KE Klymus, PF Thomsen, MA Murphy, ... Methods in ecology and evolution 7 (11), 1299-1307, 2016 | 1085 | 2016 |