Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir
Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab Kadir
Professor at Advanced Lightning, Power and Energy Research Centre (ALPER), UPM
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Cited by
Current perspective of the renewable energy development in Malaysia
S Ahmad, MZA Ab Kadir, S Shafie
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 15 (2), 897-904, 2011
The potential and status of renewable energy development in Malaysia
WSW Abdullah, M Osman, MZA Ab Kadir, R Verayiah
Energies 12 (12), 2437, 2019
Assessment of hybrid renewable power sources for rural electrification in Malaysia
M Fadaeenejad, MAM Radzi, MZA AbKadir, H Hizam
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 30, 299-305, 2014
Effective method for optimal allocation of distributed generation units in meshed electric power systems
MF Akorede, H Hizam, I Aris, MZA Ab Kadir
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 5 (2), 276-287, 2011
The present and future of smart power grid in developing countries
M Fadaeenejad, AM Saberian, M Fadaee, MAM Radzi, H Hizam, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 29, 828-834, 2014
Automated positioning dual-axis solar tracking system with precision elevation and azimuth angle control
MHM Sidek, N Azis, WZW Hasan, MZA Ab Kadir, S Shafie, MAM Radzi
Energy 124, 160-170, 2017
Review of fault location methods for distribution power system
M Mirzaei, MZA Ab Kadir, E Moazami, H Hizam
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (3), 2670-2676, 2009
Modelling and prediction of photovoltaic power output using artificial neural networks
A Saberian, H Hizam, MAM Radzi, MZA Ab Kadir, M Mirzaei
International journal of Photoenergy 2014 (1), 469701, 2014
Review of solar parabolic-trough collector geometrical and thermal analyses, performance, and applications
AJ Abdulhamed, NM Adam, MZA Ab-Kadir, AA Hairuddin
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 91, 822-831, 2018
Prospective scenarios for the full solar energy development in Malaysia
MZA Ab Kadir, Y Rafeeu, NM Adam
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 14 (9), 3023-3031, 2010
Mitigating the anthropogenic global warming in the electric power industry
MF Akorede, H Hizam, MZA Ab Kadir, I Aris, SD Buba
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 16 (5), 2747-2761, 2012
Evolution of transformer health index in the form of mathematical equation
A Azmi, J Jasni, N Azis, MZAA Kadir
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76, 687-700, 2017
Review of thermal stress and condition monitoring technologies for overhead transmission lines: Issues and challenges
NM Zainuddin, MSA Rahman, MZAA Kadir, NHN Ali, Z Ali, M Osman, ...
IEEE Access 8, 120053-120081, 2020
Lightning protection on photovoltaic systems: A review on current and recommended practices
NI Ahmad, MZA Ab-Kadir, M Izadi, N Azis, MAM Radzi, NH Zaini, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 1611-1619, 2018
A review of strategies for optimal placement of distributed generation in power distribution systems
MF Akorede, H Hizam, I Aris, MZA Ab Kadir
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (2), 137-145, 2010
Enhanced leader PSO (ELPSO): a new algorithm for allocating distributed TCSC’s in power systems
AR Jordehi, J Jasni, N Abd Wahab, MZ Kadir, MS Javadi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 64, 771-784, 2015
A novel implementation for generator rotor angle stability prediction using an adaptive artificial neural network application for dynamic security assessment
AN AL-Masri, MZA Ab Kadir, H Hizam, N Mariun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (3), 2516-2525, 2013
Suitability of palm based oil as dielectric insulating fluid in transformers
N Azis, J Jasni, MZAA Kadir, MN Mohtar
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 9 (2), 662-669, 2014
Application of smart power grid in developing countries
MF Nejad, AM Saberian, H Hizam, MAM Radzi, MZA Ab Kadir
2013 IEEE 7th international power engineering and optimization conference …, 2013
A theoretical approach to estimate the annual lightning hazards on human beings
C Gomes, MZA Ab Kadir
Atmospheric Research 101 (3), 719-725, 2011
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Articles 1–20