Adina-Eliza Croitoru
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Spatiotemporal distribution of aridity indices based on temperature and precipitation in the extra-Carpathian regions of Romania
AE Croitoru, A Piticar, AM Imbroane, DC Burada
Theoretical and applied climatology 112, 597-607, 2013
Changes in precipitation extremes in Romania
AE Croitoru, A Piticar, DC Burada
Quaternary International 415, 325-335, 2016
Recent changes in reference evapotranspiration in Romania
AE Croitoru, A Piticar, CS Dragotă, DC Burada
Global and Planetary Change 111, 127-136, 2013
Air temperature trend and the impact on winter wheat phenology in Romania
AE Croitoru, IH Holobaca, C Lazar, F Moldovan, A Imbroane
Climatic Change 111, 393-410, 2012
Changes in precipitation extremes on the Black Sea Western Coast
AE Croitoru, BC Chiotoroiu, VI Todorova, V Torică
Global and Planetary Change 102, 10-19, 2013
Changes in daily extreme temperatures in the extra-Carpathians regions of Romania.
AE Croitoru, A Piticar
International Journal of Climatology 33 (8), 2013
The impact of climate changes on rivers discharge in Eastern Romania
AE Croitoru, I Minea
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 120, 563-573, 2015
Changes in heat waves indices in Romania over the period 1961–2015
AE Croitoru, A Piticar, AF Ciupertea, CF Roşca
Global and planetary change 146, 109-121, 2016
The impact of heat waves on surface urban heat island and local economy in Cluj-Napoca city, Romania
I Herbel, AE Croitoru, AV Rus, CF Roşca, GV Harpa, AF Ciupertea, I Rus
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 133, 681-695, 2018
Synoptic conditions generating heat waves and warm spells in Romania
L Sfîcă, AE Croitoru, I Iordache, AF Ciupertea
Atmosphere 8 (3), 50, 2017
Recent changes in heat waves and cold waves detected based on excess heat factor and excess cold factor in Romania
A Piticar, AE Croitoru, FA Ciupertea, GV Harpa
International Journal of Climatology 38 (4), 1777-1793, 2018
Extreme temperature and precipitation events in Romania
AE Croitoru, A Piticar, L Sfîcă, GV Harpa
Editura Academiei Române, 2018
PannEx: The pannonian basin experiment
A Ceglar, AE Croitoru, J Cuxart, V Djurdjevic, I Güttler, B Ivančan-Picek, ...
Climate Services 11, 78-85, 2018
Groundwater response to changes in precipitations in North-Eastern Romania.
I Minea, AE Croitoru
Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ) 16 (3), 2017
Indici şi metode cantitative utilizate în climatologie
S Cheval, AE Croitoru, D Dragne, C Dragotă, O Gaceu, CV Patriche, ...
Univ. din Oradea, pg 119, 2003
Excesul de precipitaţii din Depresiunea Transilvaniei
AE Croitoru
Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2006
Change-point analysis for serially correlated summit temperatures in the Romanian Carpathians
AE Croitoru, D Drignei, IH Holobaca, CS Dragota
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 108, 9-18, 2012
Climate change perception in Romania
S Cheval, A Bulai, AE Croitoru, Ș Dorondel, D Micu, D Mihăilă, L Sfîcă, ...
Theoretical and applied climatology 149 (1), 253-272, 2022
Refining the Spatial Scale for Maize Crop Agro-Climatological Suitability Conditions in a Region with Complex Topography towards a Smart and Sustainable Agriculture. Case Study …
AE Croitoru, TC Man, SD Vâtcă, B Kobulniczky, V Stoian
Sustainability 12 (7), 2783, 2020
Detection of atmospheric urban heat island through direct measurements in Cluj-Napoca city, Romania
I Herbel, AE Croitoru, I Rus, GV Harpa, AF Ciupertea
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 65 (2), 117-128, 2016
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Articles 1–20