Falak Nawaz, PhD
Falak Nawaz, PhD
Data Informatics Specialist at NCI, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
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Cited by
An MCDM method for cloud service selection using a Markov chain and the best-worst method
F Nawaz, MR Asadabadi, NK Janjua, OK Hussain, E Chang, M Saberi
Knowledge-Based Systems 159, 120-131, 2018
PERCEPTUS: Predictive complex event processing and reasoning for IoT-enabled supply chain
F Nawaz, NK Janjua, OK Hussain
Knowledge-Based Systems 180, 133-146, 2019
SEMREG-Pro: a semantic based registry for proactive web service discovery using publish-subscribe model
F Nawaz, K Qadir, HF Ahmad
2008 Fourth International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 301-308, 2008
Event-driven approach for predictive and proactive management of SLA violations in the Cloud of Things
F Nawaz, NK Janjua, OK Hussain, FK Hussain, E Chang, M Saberi
Future Generation Computer Systems 84, 78-97, 2018
A fuzzy supply chain risk assessment approach using real-time disruption event data from Twitter
NK Janjua, F Nawaz, DD Prior
Enterprise Information Systems 17 (4), 1959652, 2023
Proactive management of SLA violations by capturing relevant external events in a Cloud of Things environment
F Nawaz, O Hussain, FK Hussain, NK Janjua, M Saberi, E Chang
Future Generation Computer Systems 95, 26-44, 2019
Service description languages in cloud computing: State-of-the-art and research issues
F Nawaz, A Mohsin, NK Janjua
Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 2019
Pushing semantic web service profiles to subscribers for efficient service discovery
F Nawaz, M Pasha, HF Ahmad, H Suguri
Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Third International Conference on, 503-506, 2007
A proactive event-driven approach for dynamic QoS compliance in cloud of things
F Nawaz, OK Hussain, N Janjua, E Chang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, 971-975, 2017
Dynamic QoS-aware cloud service selection using best-worst method and timeslot weighted satisfaction scores
F Nawaz, N Janjua
The Computer Journal, 2020
Rule-based multi-criteria framework for SaaS application architecture selection
F Nawaz, A Mohsin, S Fatima, NK Janjua
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice IV: 4th IFIP TC 12 …, 2015
Efficient discovery of OWL-S based HL7 compliant healthcare web services profiles
S Iftikhar, F Nawaz, HF Ahmad, K Fatima
2010 6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), 287-292, 2010
Semantic web service registry for efficient discovery of OWL-S based web services
F Nawaz, HF Ahmad, H Suguri, A Ali
2007 International Symposium on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling …, 2007
Preference-based meeting scheduler using ontology
MA Khan, F Nawaz, HF Ahmad, K Latif
2009 2nd International Conference on Computer, Control and Communication, 1-6, 2009
An Automated Approach for Web Services Architectural Style Selection
A Mohsin, S Fatima, AU Khan, F Nawaz
Journal of Information Technology & Software Engineering, 2016
Supply Chain Model for Personalized Car Web Services Discovery
MA Rahman, HOD Longe, F Nawaz, HF Ahmad
2009 Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 643-648, 2009
Semantically enhanced grid resource management
K Qadir, F Nawaz, RU Rasool, HF Ahmad, S Mahmood
2008 Fourth International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, 220-226, 2008
Discovery and coordination of dynamic features in microgrid using cloud-of-things (CoT): A review and research issues
F Nawaz
SSRN eJournal, 2019
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Articles 1–18