State-of-the-art and good practice in the field of living labs VP Niitamo, S Kulkki, M Eriksson, KA Hribernik 2006 IEEE international technology management conference (ICE), 1-8, 2006 | 433 | 2006 |
Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems S El Kadiri, B Grabot, KD Thoben, K Hribernik, C Emmanouilidis, ... Computers in Industry 79, 14-33, 2016 | 231 | 2016 |
Living Labs: a new development strategy K Feurstein, A Hesmer, KA Hribernik, KD Thoben, J Schumacher European Living Labs-a new approach for human centric regional innovation, 1-14, 2008 | 230 | 2008 |
Living labs as a multi-contextual R&D methodology M Eriksson, VP Niitamo, S Kulkki, KA Hribernik 2006 IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE), 1-8, 2006 | 170 | 2006 |
Autonomous, context-aware, adaptive Digital Twins—State of the art and roadmap K Hribernik, G Cabri, F Mandreoli, G Mentzas Computers in Industry 133, 103508, 2021 | 133 | 2021 |
The product avatar as a product-instance-centric information management concept KA Hribernik, L Rabe, KD Thoben, J Schumacher International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1 (4), 367-379, 2006 | 115 | 2006 |
Digital Twin Applications: A first systemization of their dimensions JF Uhlenkamp, K Hribernik, S Wellsandt, KD Thoben 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2019 | 108 | 2019 |
Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme. Produktivitäts-und Flexibilitätssteigerung durch die Vernetzung intelligenter Systeme in der Fabrik G Reinhart, P Engelhardt, F Geiger, T Philipp, W Wahlster, D Zühlke, ... wt-online, Jg 103 (2), 84-89, 2013 | 95 | 2013 |
Co-creating the Internet of Things—First experiences in the participatory design of Intelligent Products with Arduino KA Hribernik, Z Ghrairi, C Hans, KD Thoben 2011 17th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, 1-9, 2011 | 80 | 2011 |
Accessing servitisation potential of PLM data by applying the product avatar concept T Wuest, K Hribernik, KD Thoben Production Planning & Control 26 (14-15), 1198-1218, 2015 | 65 | 2015 |
An internet of things for transport logistics–an approach to connecting the information and material flows in autonomous cooperating logistics processes KA Hribernik, T Warden, KD Thoben, O Herzog Proceedings of the 12th international MITIP conference on information …, 2010 | 64 | 2010 |
Towards product avatars representing middle-of-life information for improving design, development and manufacturing processes K Hribernik, T Wuest, KD Thoben IFIP International Conference on Digital Product and Process Development …, 2013 | 60 | 2013 |
Cloud computing for autonomous control in logistics A Schuldt, K Hribernik, JD Gehrke, KD Thoben, O Herzog Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2010 | 60 | 2010 |
Entwicklung eines cyber-physischen logistiksystems M Veigt, D Lappe, K Hribernik, B Scholz-Reiter Industrie Management 29 (1), 15-18, 2013 | 55 | 2013 |
Hybrid-augmented intelligence in predictive maintenance with digital intelligent assistants S Wellsandt, K Klein, K Hribernik, M Lewandowski, A Bousdekis, ... Annual Reviews in Control 53, 382-390, 2022 | 48 | 2022 |
Improving product-service systems by exploiting information from the usage phase. A case study J Lützenberger, P Klein, K Hribernik, KD Thoben Procedia Cirp 47, 376-381, 2016 | 46 | 2016 |
Supporting the ideation processes by a collaborative online based toolset A Hesmer, KA Hribernik, JM Baalsrud Hauge, KD Thoben International journal of technology management 55 (3/4), 218-225, 2011 | 46 | 2011 |
Sources and characteristics of information about product use S Wellsandt, K Hribernik, KD Thoben Procedia CIRP 36, 242-247, 2015 | 45 | 2015 |
Towards harmonized methods and tools for Living Labs I Mulder, C Fahy, K Hribernik, D Velthausz, K Feurstein, M Garcia, ... Expanding the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies 4, 722-729, 2007 | 39 | 2007 |
Qualitative comparison of requirements elicitation techniques that are used to collect feedback information about product use S Wellsandt, KA Hribernik, KD Thoben Procedia CIRP 21, 212-217, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |