Steven A Wakelin
Steven A Wakelin
Scion Research
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Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants
L Wu, D Ning, B Zhang, Y Li, P Zhang, X Shan, Q Zhang, MR Brown, Z Li, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (7), 1183-1195, 2019
Phosphate solubilization by Penicillium spp. closely associated with wheat roots
SA Wakelin, RA Warren, PR Harvey, MH Ryder
Biology and Fertility of Soils 40, 36-43, 2004
Habitat selective factors influencing the structural composition and functional capacity of microbial communities in agricultural soils
SA Wakelin, LM Macdonald, SL Rogers, AL Gregg, TP Bolger, JA Baldock
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (3), 803-813, 2008
Long-term organic and inorganic fertilization alters temperature sensitivity of potential N2O emissions and associated microbes
P Cui, F Fan, C Yin, A Song, P Huang, Y Tang, P Zhu, C Peng, T Li, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 93, 131-141, 2016
Effect of wastewater treatment plant effluent on microbial function and community structure in the sediment of a freshwater stream with variable seasonal flow
SA Wakelin, MJ Colloff, RS Kookana
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (9), 2659-2668, 2008
Incidence and diversity of phosphate-solubilising bacteria are linked to phosphorus status in grassland soils
C Mander, S Wakelin, S Young, L Condron, M O’Callaghan
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 44 (1), 93-101, 2012
Nanoparticle factories: Biofilms hold the key to gold dispersion and nugget formation
F Reith, L Fairbrother, G Nolze, O Wilhelmi, PL Clode, A Gregg, ...
Geology 38 (9), 843-846, 2010
Bacteria, not archaea, restore nitrification in a zinc-contaminated soil
J Mertens, K Broos, SA Wakelin, GA Kowalchuk, D Springael, E Smolders
The ISME journal 3 (8), 916-923, 2009
The effects of stubble retention and nitrogen application on soil microbial community structure and functional gene abundance under irrigated maize
SA Wakelin, MJ Colloff, PR Harvey, P Marschner, AL Gregg, SL Rogers
FEMS microbiology ecology 59 (3), 661-670, 2007
Probing potential microbial coupling of carbon and nitrogen cycling during decomposition of maize residue by 13C-DNA-SIP
F Fan, C Yin, Y Tang, Z Li, A Song, SA Wakelin, J Zou, Y Liang
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 12-21, 2014
Life history determines biogeographical patterns of soil bacterial communities over multiple spatial scales
A Bissett, AE Richardson, G Baker, S Wakelin, PH Thrall
Molecular Ecology 19 (19), 4315-4327, 2010
Pasture management clearly affects soil microbial community structure and N-cycling bacteria
SA Wakelin, AL Gregg, RJ Simpson, GD Li, IT Riley, AC McKay
Pedobiologia 52 (4), 237-251, 2009
Supplementing chemical fertilizer with an organic component increases soil biological function and quality
R Tao, Y Liang, SA Wakelin, G Chu
Applied Soil Ecology 96, 42-51, 2015
Response of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in calcareous soil to mineral and organic fertilizer application and their relative contribution to nitrification
R Tao, SA Wakelin, Y Liang, G Chu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 114, 20-30, 2017
The abundance of microbial functional genes in grassy woodlands is influenced more by soil nutrient enrichment than by recent weed invasion or livestock exclusion
EA Lindsay, MJ Colloff, NL Gibb, SA Wakelin
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (16), 5547-5555, 2010
Changes in microbial community structure during pig manure composting and its relationship to the fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes
Y Liu, D Cheng, J Xue, L Weaver, SA Wakelin, Y Feng, Z Li
Journal of hazardous materials 389, 122082, 2020
Nitrous oxide emission and denitrifier communities in drip-irrigated calcareous soil as affected by chemical and organic fertilizers
R Tao, SA Wakelin, Y Liang, B Hu, G Chu
Science of the Total Environment 612, 739-749, 2018
The effect of Penicillium fungi on plant growth and phosphorus mobilization in neutral to alkaline soils from southern Australia
SA Wakelin, VVSR Gupta, PR Harvey, MH Ryder
Canadian journal of microbiology 53 (1), 106-115, 2007
Effect of nitrogen and waterlogging on denitrifier gene abundance, community structure and activity in the rhizosphere of wheat
K Hamonts, TJ Clough, A Stewart, PW Clinton, AE Richardson, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 83 (3), 568-584, 2013
Forms of phosphorus in bacteria and fungi isolated from two Australian soils
EK Bünemann, RJ Smernik, AL Doolette, P Marschner, R Stonor, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (7), 1908-1915, 2008
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