Henk Dijkstra
Henk Dijkstra
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Nonlinear physical oceanography: a dynamical systems approach to the large scale ocean circulation and El Nino
HA Dijkstra
Springer, 2005
Making sense of palaeoclimate sensitivity
Nature 491 (7426), 683-691, 2012
Western Europe is warming much faster than expected
GJ van Oldenborgh, S Drijfhout, A Van Ulden, R Haarsma, A Sterl, ...
Climate of the Past 5 (1), 1-12, 2009
Low‐frequency variability of the large‐scale ocean circulation: A dynamical systems approach
HA Dijkstra, M Ghil
Reviews of Geophysics 43 (3), 2005
When can we expect extremely high surface temperatures?
A Sterl, C Severijns, H Dijkstra, W Hazeleger, G Jan van Oldenborgh, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (14), 2008
Nonlinear climate dynamics
HA Dijkstra
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Impact of interbasin exchange on the Atlantic overturning circulation
W Weijer, WPM De Ruijter, HA Dijkstra, PJ Van Leeuwen
Journal of Physical Oceanography 29 (9), 2266-2284, 1999
Numerical bifurcation methods and their application to fluid dynamics: analysis beyond simulation
HA Dijkstra, FW Wubs, AK Cliffe, E Doedel, IF Dragomirescu, B Eckhardt, ...
Communications in Computational Physics 15 (1), 1-45, 2014
The mid‐Cretaceous North Atlantic nutrient trap: black shales and OAEs
J Trabucho Alexandre, E Tuenter, GA Henstra, KJ van der Zwan, ...
Paleoceanography 25 (4), 2010
Effect of ocean gateways on the global ocean circulation in the late Oligocene and early Miocene
A von der Heydt, HA Dijkstra
Paleoceanography 21 (1), 2006
Instability of the thermohaline ocean circulation on interdecadal timescales
LA Te Raa, HA Dijkstra
Journal of physical oceanography 32 (1), 138-160, 2002
Frequency-or amplitude-dependent effects of the Atlantic meridional overturning on the tropical Pacific Ocean
GJ van Oldenborgh, LA te Raa, HA Dijkstra, SY Philip
Ocean science 5 (3), 293-301, 2009
Ocean-atmosphere interaction and the tropical climatology. Part I: the dangers of flux correction
JD Neelin, HA Dijkstra
Journal of climate 8 (5), 1325-1342, 1995
Projections of global changes in precipitation extremes from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 models
A Toreti, P Naveau, M Zampieri, A Schindler, E Scoccimarro, E Xoplaki, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (18), 4887-4892, 2013
On the physics of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation
HA Dijkstra, L Te Raa, M Schmeits, J Gerrits
Ocean Dynamics 56, 36-50, 2006
North Atlantic multidecadal climate variability: An investigation of dominant time scales and processes
LM Frankcombe, A Von Der Heydt, HA Dijkstra
Journal of climate 23 (13), 3626-3638, 2010
The point of no return for climate action: effects of climate uncertainty and risk tolerance
M Aengenheyster, QY Feng, F Van Der Ploeg, HA Dijkstra
Earth System Dynamics 9 (3), 1085-1095, 2018
Successive bifurcations in a shallow-water model applied to the wind-driven ocean circulation
S Speich, H Dijkstra, M Ghil
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 2 (3/4), 241-268, 1995
Response of the Atlantic Ocean circulation to Greenland Ice Sheet melting in a strongly‐eddying ocean model
W Weijer, ME Maltrud, MW Hecht, HA Dijkstra, MA Kliphuis
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (9), 2012
Tropical origins for recent and future Northern Hemisphere climate change
FM Selten, GW Branstator, HA Dijkstra, M Kliphuis
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (21), 2004
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