Kazushi Maruya
Kazushi Maruya
NTT Communication Science Labs.
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Voluntary action influences visual competition
K Maruya, E Yang, R Blake
Psychological Science 18 (12), 1090-1098, 2007
Seeing liquids from visual motion
T Kawabe, K Maruya, RW Fleming, S Nishida
Vision research 109, 125-138, 2015
Adaptation to invisible motion results in low-level but not high-level aftereffects
K Maruya, H Watanabe, M Watanabe
Journal of Vision 8 (11), 7-7, 2008
Perceptual transparency from image deformation
T Kawabe, K Maruya, S Nishida
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (33), E4620-E4627, 2015
Rapid encoding of relationships between spatially remote motion signals
K Maruya, AO Holcombe, S Nishida
Journal of vision 13 (2), 4-4, 2013
Human neural responses involved in spatial pooling of locally ambiguous motion signals
K Amano, T Takeda, T Haji, M Terao, K Maruya, K Matsumoto, I Murakami, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (12), 3493-3508, 2012
Spatial spread of interocular suppression is guided by stimulus configuration
K Maruya, R Blake
Perception 38 (2), 215-231, 2009
Luminance-color interactions in surface gloss perception
S Nishida, I Motoyoshi, K Maruya
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 397-397, 2011
Awareness of central luminance edge is crucial for the Craik-O’Brien-Cornsweet effect
A Masuda, J Watanabe, M Terao, M Watanabe, A Yagi, K Maruya
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5, 125, 2011
Reversed-phi perception with motion-defined motion stimuli
K Maruya, Y Mugishima, T Sato
Vision Research 43 (24), 2517-2526, 2003
A learning system utilizing learners' active tracing behaviors
K Maruya, J Watanabe, H Takahashi, S Hashiba
Proceedings of the Fifth international conference on learning analytics and …, 2015
Conditional spatial-frequency selective pooling of one-dimensional motion signals into global two-dimensional motion
K Maruya, K Amano, S Nishida
Vision Research 50 (11), 1054-1064, 2010
Gamified vision test system for daily self-check
K Hosokawa, K Maruya, S Nishida, M Takahashi, S Nakadomari
2019 IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), 1-8, 2019
Reversed Café Wall illusion with missing fundamental gratings
Y Tani, K Maruya, T Sato
Vision research 46 (22), 3782-3785, 2006
Pupillary fluctuation amplitude preceding target presentation is linked to the variable foreperiod effect on reaction time in Psychomotor Vigilance Tasks
J Yamashita, H Terashima, M Yoneya, K Maruya, H Oishi, T Kumada
Plos one 17 (10), e0276205, 2022
Reading traits for dynamically presented texts: comparison of the optimum reading rates of dynamic text presentation and the reading rates of static text presentation
M Uetsuki, J Watanabe, H Ando, K Maruya
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1390, 2017
Temporal characteristics of depth perception from motion parallax
K Hosokawa, K Maruya, T Sato
Journal of Vision 13 (1), 16-16, 2013
" Yu bi yomu" interactive reading of dynamic text
K Maruya, M Uetsuki, H Ando, J Watanabe
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1499-1500, 2012
The structure of the superior and inferior parietal lobes predicts inter-individual suitability for virtual reality
C Hosoda, K Futami, K Hosokawa, Y Isogaya, T Terada, K Maruya, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 23688, 2021
Video presentation device, dynamic illusion presentation device, video generation device, method thereof, data structure, and program
T Kawabe, S Nishida, K Maruya, M Sawayama
US Patent 10,571,794, 2020
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Articles 1–20