Anca Manole
Anca Manole
Alte numeAnca Paunescu
senior researcher Institute of Biology Bucharest Romania
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Biotechnology for endangered plant conservation: a critical overview
A Paunescu
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 14 (1), 4095-4103, 2009
National environmental quality assessment and monitoring of atmospheric heavy metal pollution-A moss bag approach
S Ștefănuț, K Öllerer, A Manole, MC Ion, M Constantin, C Banciu, ...
Journal of environmental management 248, 109224, 2019
Ex situ conservation using in vitro methods in some Caryophyllaceae plant species from the Red List of vascular plants in Romania
I Holobiuc, A Paunescu, R Blindu
Rom. J. Biol. Plant Biol 49 (50), 3-16, 2007
Induction of plant antioxidant system by interaction with beneficial and/or pathogenic microorganisms
FE Helepciuc, ME Mitoi, A Manole-Paunescu, F Aldea, A Brezeanu, ...
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 19 (3), 9366-9375, 2014
Developing a novel warning-informative system as a tool for environmental decision-making based on biomonitoring
S Ștefănuț, A Manole, MC Ion, M Constantin, C Banciu, M Onete, M Manu, ...
Ecological Indicators 89, 480-487, 2018
Country-scale complementary passive and active biomonitoring of airborne trace elements for environmental risk assessment
S Ștefănuț, K Öllerer, MC Ion, LI Florescu, M Constantin, C Banciu, ...
Ecological Indicators 126, 107357, 2021
Co-localization of Carbonic Anhydrase and Phospho enol-pyruvate Carboxylase and Localization of Pyruvate Kinase in Roots and Hypocotyls of Etiolated Glycine max Seedlings
M Dimou, A Paunescu, G Aivalakis, E Flemetakis, P Katinakis
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10 (7), 2896-2910, 2009
Conservation of endemic species Dianthus callizonus Schott and Kotsky using in vitro techniques
A Paunescu, I Holobiuc
Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Serie Biologie Vegetale 48 (3-7), 2003
Histological investigation of the secondary somatic embryogenesis of Alyssum borzaeanum (Brassicaceae)
A Paunescu
Phytologia Balcanica 14 (1), 111-117, 2008
Preliminary researches concerning micropropagation of some endemic plants from Romanian Flora
A Paunescu, I Hololobiuc
Acta Horti Bot. Bucurest 32, 103-108, 2005
Ghidul de monitorizare a speciilor de plante de interes comunitar din România
S Mihăilescu, P Anastasiu, A Popescu
Genetic diversity within a newly identified population of Adenophora liliifolia (L.) A. DC. in Romania: implications for conservation
A Manole, C Banciu, A Indreica
Annals of Forest Research 58 (2), 347-355, 2015
In vitro propagation of Campanula polymorpha Witas-an endemic plant of Carpathian mountains
A Paunescu
Analele Universitatii din Oradea-Fascicula Biologie 17 (2), 235-238, 2010
Micropropagation of the endemic species Andryala levitomentosa (E. Nyar.) Sell
A Paunescu, S Vântu
Review Roumaine de Biologie Series. Biologie Vegetation 47, 9-11, 2002
Hormonal regulation of somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis in Alyssum borzaeanum Nyár. in vitro culture system
A Paunescu
Electronic Journal of Biology 5 (3), 45-48, 2009
In vitro and in vivo variability of histological traits of Dianthus callizonus (Caryophyllaceae) aerial vegetative organs
A Paunescu
Phytol Balc 14 (3), 417-423, 2008
Utilizarea culturilor in vitro pentru conservarea speciei endemice periclitate Astragalus pseudopurpureus Gusul
I Holobiuc, A Paunescu, R Blîndu
Al XIII-lea Simpozion National de Culturi de Tesuturi si Celule Vegetale, Ed …, 2004
Optimization of shoot multiplication in Ruscus aculeatus L. from long term cultures
A Manole, C Banciu
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 20 (2), 10200-10204, 2015
First mature fruit description of Pietrosia laevitomentosa (Asteraceae) and its implications to the taxonomic position of the genus Pietrosia
A Manole
Phytotaxa 197 (4), 282-290, 2015
Genetic Diversity in Marginal Populations of Nitraria schoberi L. from Romania
IC Paica, C Banciu, GM Maria, M Vladimirescu, A Manole
Diversity 14 (10), 882, 2022
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