Sexual Selection M Andersson Princeton University Press, 1994 | 16174 | 1994 |
Sexual selection and mate choice M Andersson, LW Simmons Trends in ecology & evolution 21 (6), 296-302, 2006 | 1465 | 2006 |
Female choice selects for extreme tail length in a widowbird M Andersson Nature 299 (5886), 818-820, 1982 | 1159 | 1982 |
Sexual selection M Andersson, Y Iwasa Trends in ecology & evolution 11 (2), 53-58, 1996 | 942 | 1996 |
Sexual selection and the evolution of song WA Searcy, M Andersson Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 507-533, 1986 | 839 | 1986 |
Evolution of condition‐dependent sex ornaments and mating preferences: sexual selection based on viability differences M Andersson Evolution 40 (4), 804-816, 1986 | 778 | 1986 |
Sexual selection, natural selection and quality advertisement M Andersson Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 17 (4), 375-393, 1982 | 629 | 1982 |
Ultraviolet sexual dimorphism and assortative mating in blue tits S Andersson, J Örnborg, M Andersson Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998 | 553 | 1998 |
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ... Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011 | 547 | 2011 |
Evolution of reversed sexual size dimorphism and role partitioning among predatory birds, with a size scaling of flight performance M ANDERSSON, RĊKE NORBERG Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 15 (2), 105-130, 1981 | 493 | 1981 |
Influence of predation on rodent populations M Andersson, S Erlinge Oikos, 591-597, 1977 | 488 | 1977 |
Sexual Selection: Testing the Alternatives: Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Sexual Selection: Testing the Alternatives, Berlin 1986, August 31-September 5 JW Bradbury, MB Andersson John Wiley & Sons, 1987 | 476 | 1987 |
The evolution of eusociality M Andersson Annual review of ecology and systematics 15, 165-189, 1984 | 435 | 1984 |
Parental defence of offspring: a model and an example M Andersson, CG Wiklund, H Rundgren Animal Behaviour 28 (2), 536-542, 1980 | 423 | 1980 |
On the evolution of hoarding behaviour M Andersson, J Krebs Animal Behaviour 26, 707-711, 1978 | 338 | 1978 |
Multiple receivers, multiple ornaments, and a trade-off between agonistic and epigamic signaling in a widowbird S Andersson, SR Pryke, J Örnborg, MJ Lawes, M Andersson The American Naturalist 160 (5), 683-691, 2002 | 333 | 2002 |
Genetic similarity between mates and extra-pair parentage in three species of shorebirds D Blomqvist, M Andersson, C Küpper, IC Cuthill, J Kis, RB Lanctot, ... Nature 419 (6907), 613-615, 2002 | 266 | 2002 |
Brood parasitism within species M Anderson Producers and scroungers, 195-228, 1984 | 243 | 1984 |
Human fertility in relation to education, economy, religion, contraception, and family planning programs F Götmark, M Andersson BMC Public Health 20, 1-17, 2020 | 230 | 2020 |
Nest parasitism in goldeneyes Bucephala clangula: some evolutionary aspects M Andersson, MOG Eriksson The American Naturalist 120 (1), 1-16, 1982 | 224 | 1982 |