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Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical forest protected areas
WF Laurance, D Carolina Useche, J Rendeiro, M Kalka, CJA Bradshaw, ...
Nature 489 (7415), 290-294, 2012
Arthropod decline in grasslands and forests is associated with landscape-level drivers
S Seibold, MM Gossner, NK Simons, N Blüthgen, J Müller, D Ambarlı, ...
Nature 574 (7780), 671-674, 2019
Implementing large-scale and long-term functional biodiversity research: The Biodiversity Exploratories
M Fischer, O Bossdorf, S Gockel, F Hänsel, A Hemp, D Hessenmöller, ...
Basic and applied Ecology 11 (6), 473-485, 2010
Exposure to ecotourism reduces survival and affects stress response in hoatzin chicks (Opisthocomus hoazin)
A Müllner, KE Linsenmair, M Wikelski
Biological Conservation 118 (4), 549-558, 2004
A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: Integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization
N Blüthgen, CF Dormann, D Prati, VH Klaus, T Kleinebecker, N Hölzel, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 13 (3), 207-220, 2012
Extrafloral nectar production of the ant-associated plant, Macaranga tanarius, is an induced, indirect, defensive response elicited by jasmonic acid
M Heil, T Koch, A Hilpert, B Fiala, W Boland, KE Linsenmair
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 98 (3), 1083-1088, 2001
Reduced growth and seed set following chemical induction of pathogen defence: does systemic acquired resistance (SAR) incur allocation costs?
M Heil, A Hilpert, W Kaiser, KE Linsenmair
Journal of Ecology 88 (4), 645-654, 2000
Interannual variation in land-use intensity enhances grassland multidiversity
E Allan, O Bossdorf, CF Dormann, D Prati, MM Gossner, T Tscharntke, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (1), 308-313, 2014
Environmental factors affect acidobacterial communities below the subgroup level in grassland and forest soils
A Naether, BU Foesel, V Naegele, PK Wüst, J Weinert, M Bonkowski, F Alt, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78 (20), 7398-7406, 2012
Diversity erosion beyond the species level: dramatic loss of functional diversity after selective logging in two tropical amphibian communities
R Ernst, KE Linsenmair, MO Rödel
Biological Conservation 133 (2), 143-155, 2006
Stratification of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in a primary rain forest in Sabah, Borneo
CA BRUeHL, G Gunsalam, KE Linsenmair
Journal of Tropical Ecology 14 (3), 285-297, 1998
Pollinator diversity and specialization in relation to flower diversity
J Fründ, KE Linsenmair, N Blüthgen
Oikos 119 (10), 1581-1590, 2010
Altitudinal distribution of leaf litter ants along a transect in primary forests on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
CA Brühl, M Mohamed, KE Linsenmair
Journal of tropical ecology 15 (3), 265-277, 1999
Land‐use impacts on plant–pollinator networks: interaction strength and specialization predict pollinator declines
CN Weiner, M Werner, KE Linsenmair, N Blüthgen
Ecology 95 (2), 466-474, 2014
Understorey versus canopy: patterns of vertical stratification and diversity among Lepidoptera in a Bornean rain forest
CH Schulze, KE Linsenmair, K Fiedler
Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management: Proceedings of ESF …, 2001
Temporal, spatial and biotic variations in extrafloral nectar secretion by Macaranga tanarius
M Heil, B Fiala, B Baumann, KE Linsenmair
Functional Ecology, 749-757, 2000
Arboreal ants as key predators in tropical lowland rainforest trees
A Floren, A Biun, EK Linsenmair
Oecologia 131, 137-144, 2002
Interacting effects of fertilization, mowing and grazing on plant species diversity of 1500 grasslands in Germany differ between regions
SA Socher, D Prati, S Boch, J Müller, H Baumbach, S Gockel, A Hemp, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 14 (2), 126-136, 2013
From forest to farmland: diversity of geometrid moths along two habitat gradients on Borneo
JAN Beck, CH Schulze, KE Linsenmair, K Fiedler
Journal of tropical ecology 18 (1), 33-51, 2002
Fragrance collection, storage, and accumulation by individual male orchid bees
T Eltz, WM Whitten, DW Roubik, KE Linsenmair
Journal of Chemical Ecology 25, 157-176, 1999
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