Adrian Ioan Pop
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Cited by
Implications of minimum tillage systems on sustainability of agricultural production and soil conservation
T Rusu, P Gus, I Bogdan, PI Moraru, AI Pop, D Clapa, DI Marin, I Oroian, ...
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 7 (2), 335-338, 2009
No-tillage and minimum tillage-their impact on soil compaction, water dynamics, soil temperature and production on wheat, maize and soybean crop
T Rusu, PI Moraru, O Ranta, I Drocas, I Bogdan, AI Pop, ML Sopterean
Bulletin UASVM Agriculture 68 (1), 318-323, 2011
The effects of management (tillage, fertilization, plant density) on soybean yield and quality in a three-year experiment under transylvanian plain climate conditions
F Chețan, C Chețan, I Bogdan, AI Pop, PI Moraru, T Rusu
Land 10 (2), 200, 2021
Îndrumător de lucrări practice la Agrotehnică
T Rusu, I Bogdan, AI Pop
Ed. Grinta, Cluj-Napoca, 2012
The impact of climatic factors on the development stages of maize crop in the Transylvanian plain
A Șimon, PI Moraru, A Ceclan, F Russu, F Chețan, M Bărdaș, A Popa, ...
Agronomy 13 (6), 1612, 2023
The role of minimum tillage in protecting environmental resources of the Transylvanian Plain, Romania.
PI Moraru, T Rusu, P Guș, I Bogdan, AI Pop
Effect of conservation agriculture on yield and protecting environmental resources
R Teodor, I Bogdan, DI Marin, PI Moraru, AI Pop, BM Duda
AgroLife Scientific Journal 4 (1), 2015
Research concerning weed control in maize crop
I Bogdan, P Guș, T Rusu, AR Pop, A Vâju, P Morar
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary …, 2006
Sovietizarea României. Percepţii anglo-americane
I Chiper, F Constantiniu, A Pop
Bucureşti, 1993
Impact of climate change on agro-climatic indicators and agricultural lands in the Transylvanian Plain between 2008-2014
T Rusu, CL Coste, PI Moraru, LW Szajdak, AI Pop, BM Duda
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 12 (1), 23-34, 2017
Influence of infestation with Echinochloa crus-galli species on crop production in corn
T Rusu, P Gus, I Bogdan, PI Moraru, AI Pop, ML Sopterean, LI Pop
Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 8 (2), 760-763, 2010
Similarităţi micocenologice între tinoavele Poiana Stampei, Mohoş şi Luci
A Pop
Studii şi Comunicări de Ocrotirea Naturii, Suceava, 262-266, 1981
Establishing the influence of soil works and crop rotation upon soil, production and profit in the Somesan plateau
AI Pop
Phd Thesis, USAMV Library, Cluj-Napoca, 2009
Effect of minimum tillage systems on the soil conservation and sustainability of agricultural production
T Rusu, P Gus, İ Bogdan, Pİ Moraru, A Pop, İ Pacurar, D Clapa, Dİ Marın, ...
Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi 5 (3), 241-245, 2009
Influence of tillage system and weed control methods on the weeding and soil weed seed bank
T Rusu, PI Moraru, AI Pop, T Salagean, BM Duda
Conference Proceedings SGEM 2, 191-197, 2015
Water Conservation in Soil by Unconventional Soil Tillage Systems
T Rusu, P Guş, A Adamos, AI Pop
The 7th International Symposium” Soil Minimum Tillage Systems”(2-3 May …, 2013
The economic efficiency of the soybean culture depending on the soil tilling system and the pre-emerging plant
AI POP, GUȘ Petru, R Teodor, I Bogdan, PI Moraru
ProEnvironment Promediu 6 (14), 2013
Effect of soil tillage system upon the soil properties, weed control, quality and quantity yield in some arable crops
T Rusu, PI Moraru, I Bogdan, AI Pop, ML Sopterean
International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 5 (11), 672-675, 2011
Effect of minimum tillage on the control of Convolvulus arvensis L. in a fluvisol
T Rusu, P Gus, I Bogdan, P Moraru, A Pop, D Weindorf, H Cacovean
J Plant Dis Protect, Suppl. I 21, 587-590, 2008
România și Republica Moldova–între Politica Europeană de Vecintate și perspectiva extinderii Uniunii Europene
A Pop, G Pascariu, G Anglițoiu, A Purcăruș
Institutul European din România–Studii de impact 3, 8, 2005
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Articles 1–20