Residual-life distributions from component degradation signals: A Bayesian approach NZ Gebraeel, MA Lawley, R Li, JK Ryan IiE Transactions 37 (6), 543-557, 2005 | 971 | 2005 |
Residual life predictions from vibration-based degradation signals: a neural network approach N Gebraeel, M Lawley, R Liu, V Parmeshwaran IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 51 (3), 694-700, 2004 | 708 | 2004 |
Sensory-updated residual life distributions for components with exponential degradation patterns N Gebraeel IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 3 (4), 382-393, 2006 | 362 | 2006 |
A data-level fusion model for developing composite health indices for degradation modeling and prognostic analysis K Liu, NZ Gebraeel, J Shi IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 10 (3), 652-664, 2013 | 339 | 2013 |
Residual life predictions in the absence of prior degradation knowledge N Gebraeel, A Elwany, J Pan IEEE Transactions on Reliability 58 (1), 106-117, 2009 | 330 | 2009 |
Sensor-driven prognostic models for equipment replacement and spare parts inventory AH Elwany, NZ Gebraeel IIe Transactions 40 (7), 629-639, 2008 | 312 | 2008 |
A neural network integrated decision support system for condition-based optimal predictive maintenance policy S Wu, N Gebraeel, MA Lawley, Y Yih IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2007 | 297 | 2007 |
A neural network degradation model for computing and updating residual life distributions NZ Gebraeel, MA Lawley IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 5 (1), 154-163, 2008 | 279 | 2008 |
Prognostic degradation models for computing and updating residual life distributions in a time-varying environment N Gebraeel, J Pan IEEE Transactions on Reliability 57 (4), 539-550, 2008 | 265 | 2008 |
Predictive maintenance management using sensor-based degradation models KA Kaiser, NZ Gebraeel IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2009 | 239 | 2009 |
Structured replacement policies for components with complex degradation processes and dedicated sensors AH Elwany, NZ Gebraeel, LM Maillart Operations research 59 (3), 684-695, 2011 | 191 | 2011 |
Stochastic modeling and real-time prognostics for multi-component systems with degradation rate interactions L Bian, N Gebraeel Iie Transactions 46 (5), 470-482, 2014 | 171 | 2014 |
Remaining useful life prediction based on a multi-sensor data fusion model N Li, N Gebraeel, Y Lei, X Fang, X Cai, T Yan Reliability Engineering & System Safety 208, 107249, 2021 | 127 | 2021 |
Sensor-driven condition-based generator maintenance scheduling—Part I: Maintenance problem M Yildirim, XA Sun, NZ Gebraeel IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 4253-4262, 2016 | 126 | 2016 |
Degradation modeling for real-time estimation of residual lifetimes in dynamic environments L Bian, N Gebraeel, JP Kharoufeh Iie Transactions 47 (5), 471-486, 2015 | 120 | 2015 |
Degradation modeling applied to residual lifetime prediction using functional data analysis RR Zhou, N Serban, N Gebraeel The Annals of Applied Statistics, 1586-1610, 2011 | 120 | 2011 |
Integrated predictive analytics and optimization for opportunistic maintenance and operations in wind farms M Yildirim, NZ Gebraeel, XA Sun IEEE Transactions on power systems 32 (6), 4319-4328, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
Remaining useful life prediction of machinery under time-varying operating conditions based on a two-factor state-space model N Li, N Gebraeel, Y Lei, L Bian, X Si Reliability Engineering & System Safety 186, 88-100, 2019 | 107 | 2019 |
Real-time estimation of mean remaining life using sensor-based degradation models A Elwany, N Gebraeel | 106 | 2009 |
Multistream sensor fusion-based prognostics model for systems with single failure modes X Fang, K Paynabar, N Gebraeel Reliability Engineering & System Safety 159, 322-331, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |