Alexandre de Assis Mota
Alexandre de Assis Mota
Professor - Engenharia Elétrica e Civil - PUC-Campinas
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Cited by
An analytical method for analysis of large-disturbance stability of induction generators
AP Grilo, A de Assis Mota, LTM Mota, W Freitas
IEEE Transactions on power systems 22 (4), 1861-1869, 2007
Load modeling at electric power distribution substations using dynamic load parameters estimation
LTM Mota, AA Mota
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 26 (10), 805-811, 2004
Visualization of power system restoration plans using CPM/PERT graphs
AA Mota, LTM Mota, A Morelato
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (3), 1322-1329, 2007
Teaching Poer Engineering Basics Using Advanced Web Technologies and Problem-Based Learning Environment
AA Mota
IEEE Trans. Power Syst., 2004
Drawing meshed one-line diagrams of electric power systems using a modified controlled spring embedder algorithm enhanced with geospatial data
A de Assis Mota, LTM Mota
Journal of Computer Science 7 (2), 234-241, 2011
Load behaviour prediction under blackout conditions using a fuzzy expert system
LTM Mota, AA Mota, A Morelato
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 1 (3), 379-387, 2007
A fuzzy rule-based system to assess e-government technical interoperability maturity level
A Sheffer Corrêa, A de Assis Mota, L Toledo Moreira Mota, ...
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 8 (3), 335-356, 2014
Development of a surface temperature sensor to enhance energy efficiency actions in buildings
L Mota, A Mota, C Pezzuto, M Carvalho, M Lavorato, L Coiado, E Oliveira
Sensors 18 (9), 3046, 2018
Dynamic evaluation of reenergization times during power systems restoration
AA Mota, LTM Mota, A Morelato
2004 IEEE/PES Transmision and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin …, 2004
Predicting battery charge Depletion in Wireless Sensor Networks using received signal strength indicator.
I Yano, VC de Oliveira, EA de Mello Fagotto, A de Assis Mota, LTM Mota
J. Comput. Sci. 9 (7), 821-826, 2013
Impacts of application usage and local hardware on the throughput of computer networks with desktop virtualization
VC De Oliveira, ADA Mota, LTM Mota
American Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (1), 117, 2013
A bilevel programming approach for power system operation planning considering voltage stability and economic dispatch
DA Arias, AA Mota, LTM Mota, CA Castro
2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin …, 2008
Analytical Economic Assessment of Distributed Wind Power Penetration in Electric Power Systems with Centralized Thermal Generation
A Mota, L Mota, F Galiana
Modelagem e simulação de cargas residencias termostáticas para a recomposição do sistema elétrico a partir de uma abordagem orientada de objetos
LTM Mota, AA Mota, ALM França
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 15, 202-214, 2004
Non-destructive current sensing for energy efficiency monitoring in buildings with environmental certification
LTM Mota, AA Mota, LC Coiado
Sensors 15 (7), 16740-16762, 2015
Overview of certification methodologies for sustainable constructions of Brazilian buildings
VS Pugliero, LC Coiado, LL Pimentel, A Jacintho, LTM Mota, AA Mota
American Journal of Applied Sciences 12 (3), 216-221, 2015
Implementação de medidor de energia elétrica em plataforma de hardware livre para estudo do comportamento de redes inteligentes
ET Procopio, VC Oliveira, AA Mota, LTM Mota
XXXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2011
Received signal strength indication modeling in indoor wireless sensor networks
ET Procopio, A de Assis Mota, LTM Mota, LRB da Silva
American Journal of Applied Sciences 10 (9), 1043, 2013
Analysis of indoor signal attenuation in wireless networks using fuzzy logic
L Mota, A Mota, R Rondon
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Network Sec 10, 78-85, 2010
New Trends on Load Modelling and Forecasting: Models and Techniques
LTM Mota¹, A de Assis Mota
Electric Power: Generation, Transmission, and Efficiency, 201, 2007
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Articles 1–20