Adrian Curaj
Adrian Curaj
UNESCO Chair on Science and Innovation Policies at SNSPA
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European higher education at the crossroads: between the Bologna process and national reforms
A Curaj, P Scott, L Vlasceanu, L Wilson, ( eds.)
Dordrecht, Springer. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789400739369 …, 2012
The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies
A Curaj, L Matei, R Pricopie, J Salmi, P Scott
Dordrecht, Springer; http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319187679; ISBN 978 …, 2015
European higher education area: The impact of past and future policies
A Curaj, L Deca, R Pricopie
Springer Nature, 2018
Advances in the theory and practice of smart specialization
S Radosevic, A Curaj, R Gheorghiu, L Andreescu, I Wade
Academic Press -Elsevier, eBook ISBN: 9780128041598 Hardcover ISBN …, 2017
A strategic approach for intellectual capital management in European universities - Guidelines for Implementation
KH Leitner, A Curaj, S Elena-Perez, J Fazlagic, K Kalemis, Z Martinaitis, ...
Guidelines for implementation, UEFISCDI Blueprint Series, 2014
European higher education area: Challenges for a new decade
A Curaj, L Deca, R Pricopie
Springer Nature, 2020
A foresight toolkit for smart specialization and entrepreneurial discovery, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2016.04.001
R Gheorghiu, L Andreescu, A Curaj
Futures 80, 33-44, 2016
Understanding normative foresight outcomes: Scenario development and the ‘veil of ignorance’effect
L Andreescu, R Gheorghiu, M Zulean, A Curaj
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 80 (4), 711-722, 2013
Mergers and alliances in higher education: International practice and emerging opportunities
A Curaj, L Georghiou, J Cassingena Harper, E Egron-Polak
Dordrecht, Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-13135-1 …, 2015
Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and National Challenges
A Curaj, L Deca, E Egron-Polak, J Salmi
Dordrecht, Springer. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-08054-3 …, 2015
Climbing and Walking Robots: towards New Applications
I Ion, I Simionescu, A Curaj
Modular Walking Robots, 47-89, 2007
Supervisory control and data acquisition for virtual enterprise
AM Stanescu, A Curaj, et. al.
International Journal of Production Research 40 (15), 3545-3559, 2002
Real time control method and device for robot in virtual projection
L Vladareanu, LM Velea, RI Munteanu, A Curaj, S Cononovici, ...
EP Patent EP2105263 (A2) / RO123527 (B1)/EPO-09,464,001, 2009
100 radical innovation breakthroughs for the future
P Warnke, K Cuhls, U Schmoch, L Daniel, L Andreescu, B Dragomir, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2019
The European higher education area
J Beelen, E Jones, A Curaj, L Matei, R Pricopie, J Salvi, P Scott
The European Higher Education Area, 59-72, 2015
Institutional Diversification and Homogeneity in Romanian Higher Education: the Larger Picture
L Andreescu, R Gheorghiu, V Proteasa, A Curaj
European higher education at the crossroads: Between the Bologna Process and …, 2012
Mergers and classifications in Romania: Opportunities and obstacles
L Andreescu, R Gheorghiu, A Irimia, A Curaj
In Mergers and alliances in higher education: International practice and …, 2015
Romanian Higher Education in 2009–2013. The Bologna Process and Romanian Priorities in the Search for an Active European and Global Presence
A Curaj, L Deca, CM Hâj
Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process and …, 2015
Ghidul calității în învățământul superior
S Popescu, C Brătianu, G Atanasiu, C Rusu, C Oprean, A Curaj, ...
Proiectul CALISRO,, 2004
Complex walking robot kinematics analysis and plc multi-tasking control
L Vlădăreanu, A Curaj, RI Munteanu
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques–Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique …, 2012
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