Olga Moldovan
Olga Moldovan
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uav.ro
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage 4 comprises globally distributed and geographically restricted sublineages
D Stucki, D Brites, L Jeljeli, M Coscolla, Q Liu, A Trauner, L Fenner, ...
Nature genetics 48 (12), 1535-1543, 2016
Metodologie psihologică și analiza datelor
I Radu, M Miclea, M Albu, O Moldovan, S Nemeș, S Szamoskozy
Editura SINCRON, Cluj-Napoca, 1993
Search for ReCQL4 mutations in 39 patients genotyped for suspected Rothmund–Thomson/Baller‐Gerold syndromes
J Piard, B Aral, P Vabres, M Holder‐Espinasse, A Mégarbané, S Gauthier, ...
Clinical genetics 87 (3), 244-251, 2015
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to primary school children
OD Moldovan
Educația Plus 10 (1), 203-211, 2014
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance mutations to rifampin and isoniazid by real-time PCR
A Hristea, D Otelea, S Paraschiv, A Macri, C Baicus, O Moldovan, ...
Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 28 (3), 211-216, 2010
Rapid dot sputum and serum assay in pulmonary tuberculosis
H Stavri, O Moldovan, F Mihaltan, D Banica, RJ Doyle
Journal of microbiological methods 52 (3), 285-296, 2003
Psihologia copilului
G Schwartz, G Kelemen, OD Moldovan
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu, 2006
Îndrumar de tehnici de laborator de bacteorologie BK
D Homorodean, O Moldovan, D Diculencu, MI Popa
The occupational stress to the young workers came from institutionalized environment
M Gavrilă-Ardelean, OD Moldovan
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 159, 589-592, 2014
The Impact of divorce on Women
OD Moldovan
Agora Psycho-Pragmatica 8 (2), 5-28, 2014
Psihologia adolescenței și vîrstei adulte
OD Moldovan, D Bălaș-Timar
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu", 2006
Rapid immunochromatographic serum assay of nontuberculous mycobacterial infections
H Stavri, M Brânaru-Gheorghiu, O Moldovan, M Rãileanu, MI Popa, ...
ROMANIAN ARCHIVES 9 (5), 42, 2005
The Separation Anxiety at Kindergarten Children
O Moldovan, T Moldovan
Journal Plus Education 9 (2), 97-104, 2013
Psihopedagogia copiilor cu handicap de vedere
OD Moldovan, D Bălaș-Timar
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu", 2006
Serodiagnosis of environmental mycobacterial infections
H Stavri, I Ulea, DL Radu, MG Branaru, O Moldovan, MA Bogdan, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 86 (3), 283-290, 2011
Stres și adolescență
OD Moldovan
Editura Universității" Aurel Vlaicu", 2005
The Occupational Stress to the Young Workers Came from Institutional Environment
M Gavril-Ardelean, OD Moldovan
Elsevier Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 159, 589-592, 2014
The Use Of Apilarnil Product In The Treatment Of Stress And Overworking To Students
M Gavrilă-Ardelean, MD Olga
Bothalia Journal, Pretoria, Africa de Sud, http://www. bthlajournal. org …, 2014
Romanian anti-TB drugs resistance surveillance 2003-2004.
IP Stoicescu, D Homorodean, D Chiotan, O Moldovan, D Diculencu, ...
Pneumologia (Bucharest, Romania) 57 (3), 131-137, 2008
Organizarea și managementul laboratorului de micobacteriologie
D Homorodean, O Moldovan, M Stoian, M Brojboiu, G Chiriac, IS Muntean, ...
București, 2008
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