Effectiveness of L2 instruction: A research synthesis and quantitative meta‐analysis JM Norris, L Ortega Language learning 50 (3), 417-528, 2000 | 4005 | 2000 |
Towards an organic approach to investigating CAF in instructed SLA: The case of complexity JM Norris, L Ortega Applied linguistics 30 (4), 555-578, 2009 | 1526 | 2009 |
Understanding and assessing intercultural competence: A summary of theory, research, and practice (technical report for the foreign language program evaluation project) C Sinicrope, J Norris, Y Watanabe | 672 | 2007 |
Does type of instruction make a difference? Substantive findings from a meta-analytic review J Norris Form-focused instruction and second language learning/Blackwell Publishers, 2001 | 502 | 2001 |
Task-based language teaching: A reader K Van Den Branden, M Bygate, J Norris John Benjamins Publishing Company; Amsterdam 1, 1-13, 2009 | 464 | 2009 |
Designing second language performance assessments JM Norris Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center University of Hawai’i, 1998 | 461 | 1998 |
Realizing advanced foreign language writing development in collegiate education: Curricular design, pedagogy, assessment H Byrnes, HH Maxim, JM Norris The Modern Language Journal, i-235, 2010 | 449* | 2010 |
Defining and measuring SLA J Norris, L Ortega The handbook of second language acquisition, 716-761, 2003 | 427 | 2003 |
Task-Based Teaching and Testing JM Norris The handbook of language teaching, 578-594, 2009 | 397 | 2009 |
Task-based teaching and assessment MH Long, JM Norris Encyclopedia of language teaching, 597-603, 2000 | 381 | 2000 |
Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching L Ortega, JM Norris John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2006 | 380 | 2006 |
The value and practice of research synthesis for language learning and teaching JM Norris, L Ortega Synthesizing research on language learning and teaching, 3-50, 2008 | 236 | 2008 |
Guidelines for reporting quantitative methods and results in primary research JM Norris, L Plonsky, SJ Ross, R Schoonen Language Learning 65 (2), 470-476, 2015 | 215 | 2015 |
An investigation of second language task-based performance assessments JD Brown (No Title), 2002 | 178 | 2002 |
An investigation of elicited imitation tasks in crosslinguistic SLA research L Ortega, N Iwashita, JM Norris, S Rabie second language research forum, Toronto, 3-6, 2002 | 158 | 2002 |
Examinee abilities and task difficulty in task-based second language performance assessment JM Norris, JD Brown, TD Hudson, W Bonk Language Testing 19 (4), 395-418, 2002 | 148 | 2002 |
Current uses for task-based language assessment JM Norris Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 36, 230-244, 2016 | 145 | 2016 |
Validity evaluation in foreign language assessment JM Norris University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2004 | 142 | 2004 |
The issue: The why (and how) of assessing student learning outcomes in college foreign language programs JM Norris The Modern Language Journal 90 (4), 576-583, 2006 | 131 | 2006 |
Language program evaluation JM Norris The Modern Language Journal 100 (S1), 169-189, 2016 | 129 | 2016 |