mj prietula
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The making of an expert
KA Ericsson, MJ Prietula, ET Cokely
Harvard business review 85 (7/8), 114, 2007
Computational organization theory
KM Carley, MJ Prietula
Psychology Press, 2014
Studies of expertise from psychological perspectives
PJ Feltovich, MJ Prietula, KA Ericsson
The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance, 41-67, 2006
Simulating organizations: Computational models of institutions and groups
MJ Prietula, KM Carley, L Gasser
Mit Press, 1998
The experts in your midst
MJ Prietula, HA Simon
Harvard business review 67 (1), 120-124, 1989
Expertise and error in diagnostic reasoning
PE Johnson, AS Duran, F Hassebrock, J Moller, M Prietula, PJ Feltovich, ...
Cognitive science 5 (3), 235-283, 1981
Open collaboration for innovation: Principles and performance
SS Levine, MJ Prietula
Organization Science 25 (5), 1414-1433, 2014
Examining the feasibility of a case-based reasoning model for software effort estimation
T Mukhopadhyay, SS Vicinanza, MJ Prietula
MIS quarterly, 155-171, 1992
Short-and long-term effects of a novel on connectivity in the brain
GS Berns, K Blaine, MJ Prietula, BE Pye
Brain connectivity 3 (6), 590-600, 2013
Knowledge matters: The effect of tactical descriptions on negotiation behavior and outcome.
LR Weingart, EB Hyder, MJ Prietula
Journal of personality and social psychology 70 (6), 1205, 1996
The price of your soul: neural evidence for the non-utilitarian representation of sacred values
GS Berns, E Bell, CM Capra, MJ Prietula, S Moore, B Anderson, J Ginges, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
How knowledge transfer impacts performance: A multilevel model of benefits and liabilities
SS Levine, MJ Prietula
Organization Science 23 (6), 1748-1766, 2012
Knowledge and the sequential processes of negotiation: A Markov chain analysis of response-in-kind
LR Weingart, MJ Prietula, EB Hyder, CR Genovese
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 35 (4), 366-393, 1999
ACTS theory: Extending the model of bounded rationality
KM Carley, MJ Prietula
Computational organization theory, 73-106, 2014
Software-effort estimation: an exploratory study of expert performance
SS Vicinanza, T Mukhopadhyay, MJ Prietula
Information systems research 2 (4), 243-262, 1991
Design versus cognition: The interaction of agent cognition and organizational design on organizational performance
KM Carley, MJ Prietula, Z Lin
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 1 (3), 1-19, 1998
Getting to best: Efficiency versus optimality in negotiation
EB Hyder, MJ Prietula, LR Weingart
Cognitive Science 24 (2), 169-204, 2000
Taking mHealth forward: examining the core characteristics
TL Davis, R DiClemente, M Prietula
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 4 (3), e5659, 2016
Plural-Soar: A prolegomenon to artificial agents and organizational behavior
K Carley, J Kjaer-Hansen, A Newell, M Prietula
Artificial intelligence in organization and management theory, 87-118, 1992
The Turing effect: The nature of trust in expert systems advice
FJ Lerch, MJ Prietula, CT Kulik
Expertise in context: Human and machine, 417-448, 1997
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Articles 1–20