Ayyoub Ahar, PhD
Ayyoub Ahar, PhD
ProductionS Corelab, Flanders Make VZW.
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Cited by
Signal processing challenges for digital holographic video display systems
D Blinder, A Ahar, S Bettens, T Birnbaum, A Symeonidou, H Ottevaere, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 70, 114-130, 2019
Open access database for experimental validations of holographic compression engines
D Blinder, A Ahar, A Symeonidou, Y Xing, T Bruylants, C Schretter, ...
2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2015
From Sparse Coding Significance to Perceptual Quality: A New Approach for Image Quality Assessment
A Ahar, A Barri, P Schelkens
IEEE Transactions in Image Processing, 2017
Suitability analysis of holographic vs light field and 2D displays for subjective quality assessment of Fourier holograms
A Ahar, M Chlipala, T Birnbaum, W Zaperty, A Symeonidou, T Kozacki, ...
Optics Express 28 (24), 37069-37091, 2020
Subjective quality assessment of numerically reconstructed compressed holograms
A Ahar, D Blinder, T Bruylants, C Schretter, A Munteanu, P Schelkens
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVIII 9599, 188-202, 2015
Speckle noise reduction for computer generated holograms of objects with diffuse surfaces
A Symeonidou, D Blinder, A Ahar, C Schretter, A Munteanu, P Schelkens
Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications IV 9896 …, 2016
Wave atoms for digital hologram compression
T Birnbaum, A Ahar, D Blinder, C Schretter, T Kozacki, P Schelkens
Applied optics 58 (22), 6193-6203, 2019
Compression strategies for digital holograms in biomedical and multimedia applications
P Schelkens, A Ahar, A Gilles, RK Muhamad, TJ Naughton, C Perra, ...
Light: advanced manufacturing 3 (3), 601-621, 2022
Comprehensive performance analysis of objective quality metrics for digital holography
A Ahar, T Birnbaum, M Chlipala, W Zaperty, S Mahmoudpour, T Kozacki, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 97, 116361, 2021
Validation of dynamic subjective quality assessment methodology for holographic coding solutions
A Ahar, M Pereira, T Birnbaum, A Pinheiro, P Schelkens
2021 13th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2021
A new similarity measure for complex valued data
A Ahar, T Birnbaum, C Jaeh, P Schelkens
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Tu1A. 6, 2017
Wave atoms for lossy compression of digital holograms
T Birnbaum, A Ahar, D Blinder, C Schretter, T Kozacki, P Schelkens
2019 Data Compression Conference (DCC), 398-407, 2019
Performance evaluation of sparseness significance ranking measure (SSRM) on holographic content
A Ahar, T Birnbaum, D Blinder, A Symeonidou, P Schelkens
3D Image Acquisition and Display: Technology, Perception and Applications …, 2018
A new similarity measure for complex amplitude holographic data
A Ahar, T Birnbaum, C Jaeh, P Schelkens
Applications of Digital Image Processing XL 10396, 282-293, 2017
Speckle denoising of computer-generated macroscopic holograms
T Birnbaum, A Ahar, S Montrésor, P Picart, C Schretter, P Schelkens
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, W3A. 1, 2019
Parameterization of the quality factor for the high throughput JPEG~ 2000
A Ahar, S Mahmoudpour, O Watanabe, D Taubman, P Schelkens
Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications VI 11353 …, 2020
Source coding of holographic data: challenges, algorithms and standardization efforts
P Schelkens, D Blinder, T Birnbaum, A Symeonidou, A Ahar, C Schretter
Speckle 2018: VII International Conference on Speckle Metrology 10834, 257-262, 2018
A just noticeable difference subjective test for high dynamic range images
A Ahar, S Mahmoudpour, G Van Wallendael, T Paridaens, P Lambert, ...
2018 Tenth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience …, 2018
Combining high-throughput imaging in visible and SWIR wavelengths for in-situ porosity prediction in laser powder bed fusion
A Ahar, M Vandecasteele, BG Booth, K De Grave, D Verhees, W Philips, ...
Laser 3D Manufacturing XI 12876, 46-58, 2024
Reference dataset and benchmark for reconstructing laser parameters from on-axis video in powder bed fusion of bulk stainless steel
C Blanc, A Ahar, K De Grave
Additive Manufacturing Letters 7, 100161, 2023
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Articles 1–20