Pilar Mazuela
Cited by
Cited by
Effect of slow-release oxygen supply by fertigation on horticultural crops under soilless culture
M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela
Scientia Horticulturae 106 (4), 484-490, 2005
Wetting agent effect on physical properties of new and reused rockwool and coconut coir waste
M Urrestarazu, C Guillén, PC Mazuela, G Carrasco
Scientia Horticulturae 116 (1), 104-108, 2008
Vegetable waste compost as substrate for melon
P Mazuela, MC Salas, M Urrestarazu
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 36 (11-12), 1557-1572, 2005
Effect of substrate reutilization on yield and properties of melon and tomato crops
M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela, GA Martínez
Journal of Plant Nutrition 31 (11), 2031-2043, 2008
Effects of heating nutrient solution on water and mineral uptake and early yield of two cucurbits under soilless culture
M Urrestarazu, M del Carmen Salas, D Valera, A Gómez, PC Mazuela
Journal of plant nutrition 31 (3), 527-538, 2008
Wood fiber as growing medium in hydroponic crop
J Muro, I Irigoyen, P Samitier, P Mazuela, MC Salas, J Soler, ...
International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics 697, 179-185, 2004
Producción y calidad de un tomate cherry en dos tipos de invernadero en cultivo sin suelo
P Mazuela, L Acuña, M Alvárez, Á Fuentes
Idesia (Arica) 28 (2), 97-100, 2010
Antecedentes generales para la sustentabilidad de la producción hortícola en el valle de Azapa, Arica, Chile
F González Vallejos, A Riquelme Garcés, P Contreras Luque, P Mazuela
Idesia (Arica) 31 (4), 119-123, 2013
Treatment with peracetic acid extends the vase life of Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) flowers
F De La Riva, PC Mazuela, JE Alvaro, M Urrestarazu
HortScience 44 (2), 418-420, 2009
Oxygen content and its diurnal variation in a new recirculanting water soilless culture for horticultural crops
M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela, A Boukhalfa, A Arán, M del Carmen Salas
HortScience 40 (6), 1729-1730, 2005
The effect of amendment of vegetable waste compost used as substrate in soilless culture on yield and quality of melon crops
P Mazuela, M Urrestarazu
Compost science & utilization 17 (2), 103-107, 2009
A new local sustainable inorganic material for soilless culture in Spain: Granulated volcanic rock
J Pozo, JE Alvaro, I Morales, J Requena, T La Malfa, PC Mazuela, ...
HortScience 49 (12), 1537-1541, 2014
Manejo del cultivo de hortalizas y su efecto en la sustentabilidad de un valle costero del desierto de Atacama, Chile
A Riquelme-Garcés, F González-Vallejos, P Contreras-Luque, P Mazuela
Idesia (Arica) 31 (3), 113-117, 2013
Methods of correction of vegetable waste compost used as substrate by soilless culture
M Urrestarazu, MC Salas, P Mazuela
International Symposium on Managing Greenhouse Crops in Saline Environment …, 2003
Cultivo en sustratos alternativos
M Urrestarazu, PC Mazuela, AL Alarcón, AL Alarcón
Cultivos sin suelo. Compendios de Horticultura 17, 147-173, 2006
Comparison between different fertigation parameters and yield using pure compost and coir waste fibre in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Pitenza) crop by soilless culture
P Mazuela, M Urrestarazu, MC Salas, C Guillé n, JA Sá nchez
VII International Symposium on Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates …, 2004
Efecto del injerto y del bioestimulante Fartum® sobre la producción y calidad en tomate cherry
P Mazuela, B Cepeda, V Cubillos
Idesia (Arica) 30 (3), 77-81, 2012
Fibra de pino: un sustrato ecológico
M Urrestarazu, P Mazuela, J Del Castillo, S Sabada, J Muro
Horticultura internacional 49, 28-33, 2005
Propuesta para la determinación del contenido de clorofila en hojas de tomate
E Hurtado, F González-Vallejos, C Roper, E Bastías, P Mazuela
Idesia (arica) 35 (4), 129-130, 2017
Vegetable waste compost used as substrate in soilless culture
P Mazuela, M Urrestarazu, E Bastias
Crop Prod. Technol, 179-198, 2012
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Articles 1–20