Giancarlo Franzese
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Cited by
Generic mechanism for generating a liquid-liquid phase transition
G Franzese, G Malescio, A Skibinsky, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley
Nature 409, 692, 2001
Effect of hydrogen bond cooperativity on the behavior of water
K Stokely, MG Mazza, HE Stanley, G Franzese
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (4), 1301-1306, 2010
Understanding the Kinetics of Protein–Nanoparticle Corona Formation
O Vilanova, JJ Mittag, PM Kelly, S Milani, KA Dawson, JO Rädler, ...
ACS nano 10, 10842, 2016
The Widom line of supercooled water
G Franzese, HE Stanley
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (20), 205126, 2007
Waterlike hierarchy of anomalies in a continuous spherical shouldered potential
AB De Oliveira, G Franzese, PA Netz, MC Barbosa
The Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 064901, 2008
Intramolecular coupling as a mechanism for a liquid-liquid phase transition
G Franzese, MI Marqués, HE Stanley
Physical Review E 67 (1), 011103, 2003
Liquid-liquid phase transitions for soft-core attractive potentials
A Skibinsky, SV Buldyrev, G Franzese, G Malescio, HE Stanley
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (6 …, 2004
Models for a liquid–liquid phase transition
SV Buldyrev, G Franzese, N Giovambattista, G Malescio, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 304 (1-2), 23-42, 2002
Metastable liquid-liquid phase transition in a single-component system with only one crystal phase and no density anomaly
G Franzese, G Malescio, A Skibinsky, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley
Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 66 …, 2002
Nanoscale dynamics of phase flipping in water near its hypothesized liquid-liquid critical point
T Kesselring, G Franzese, S Buldyrev, H Herrmann, HE Stanley
Differences between discontinuous and continuous soft-core attractive potentials: The appearance of density anomaly
G Franzese
Journal of Molecular Liquids 136 (3), 267-273, 2007
Liquid-liquid critical point in a Hamiltonian model for water: analytic solution
G Franzese, HE Stanley
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (9), 2201, 2002
More than one dynamic crossover in protein hydration water
MG Mazza, K Stokely, SE Pagnotta, F Bruni, HE Stanley, G Franzese
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (50), 19873- 19878, 2011
Isotropic soft-core potentials with two characteristic length scales and anomalous behaviour
P Vilaseca, G Franzese
Journal of non-crystalline solids 357 (2), 419-426, 2011
Predictions of dynamic behavior under pressure for two scenarios to explain water anomalies
P Kumar, G Franzese, HE Stanley
Physical Review Letters 100 (10), 105701, 2008
Molecular dynamics study of orientational cooperativity in water
P Kumar, G Franzese, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006
Liquid-liquid phase transition for an attractive isotropic potential with wide repulsive range
G Malescio, G Franzese, A Skibinsky, SV Buldyrev, HE Stanley
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (6 …, 2005
Understanding and modulating the competitive surface-adsorption of proteins through coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
P Vilaseca, KA Dawson, G Franzese
Soft Matter 9 (29), 6978-6985, 2013
Softness dependence of the anomalies for the continuous shouldered well potential
P Vilaseca, G Franzese
The Journal of Chemical Physics 133, 084507, 2010
Finite-size scaling investigation of the liquid-liquid critical point in ST2 water and its stability with respect to crystallization
TA Kesselring, E Lascaris, G Franzese, SV Buldyrev, HJ Herrmann, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (24), 2013
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Articles 1–20