Marcus Sundgren
Cited by
Cited by
Critical imaginaries and reflections on artificial intelligence and robots in postdigital K-12 education
S Hrastinski, AD Olofsson, C Arkenback, S Ekström, E Ericsson, ...
Postdigital Science and Education 1, 427-445, 2019
Blurring time and place in higher education with bring your own device applications: a literature review
M Sundgren
Education and Information Technologies, 1-39, 2017
Visualizing online collaborative writing strategies in higher education group assignments
M Sundgren, J Jaldemark
The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology 37 (5), 351-373, 2020
Disciplinary differences and emotional presence in communities of inquiry: Teachers’ expressions of digital technology-enabled teaching
M Sundgren, J Jaldemark, M Cleveland-Innes
Computers and Education Open, 100134, 2023
The concept of ‘Bringing your own device’in scaffolded and augmented education
P Mozelius, J Jaldemark, S Eriksson Bergström, M Sundgren
Augmented Reality in Education: A New Technology for Teaching and Learning …, 2020
Weak readers in the Nordic Countries: Gender, immigrant background, socioeconomic background, enjoyment of reading and school related factors.
U Fredriksson, M Rasmusson, M Sundgren
Nordisk ministerråd, 2012
Building a network for collaborative support in professional development
MH Lindqvist, P Mozelius, M Sundgren, J Jaldemark, P Öhman
Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning 12, 108-111, 2020
Augmented education: location-based games for real-world teaching and learning sessions
P Mozelius, J Jaldemark, SE Bergström, M Sundgren
Augmented Reality Games I: Understanding the Pokémon GO Phenomenon, 217-235, 2019
Digital visualisering i skolan
L Boström, M Sjöström, H Karlsson, M Sundgren, M Andersson, R Olsson, ...
Digital och traditionell läsning: Analys av olika elevgruppers läsning utifrån PISA 2009
U Fredriksson, M Sundgren, M Lundgren, M Oskarsson
Skolverket, 2013
Adult education teacher’s perception of gamification implemented in distance education
G Gunnars, A Palmquist, M Sundgren
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 3049-3056, 2021
Furnishing for the future–Teacher experiences of Active Learning Classrooms
P Mozelius, M Sundgren
INTED2018 Proceedings, 3115-3123, 2018
Breaking the boundaries of space and time: A review of applications of bring-your-own-device in higher education
M Sundgren, J Jaldemark
10th International Conference on Networked Learning, 2016
Rustad att möta framtiden?: PISA 2009 om 15-åringars läsförståelse och kunskaper i matematik och naturvetenskap
K Taube, U Fredriksson, M Rasmusson, KG Karlsson, A Pettersson, ...
Educating the Educators on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
P Mozelius, MH Lindqvist, M Cleveland-Innes, J Jaldemark, M Sundgren
Proceedings of the International Conference on AI Research, 2024
FAITH: Educating the educators on artificial intelligence in higher education
J Jaldemark, M Cleveland-Innes, P Mozelius, M Håkansson Lindqvist, ...
Symposium on AI Opportunities and Challenges: An Avalanche of AI to …, 2024
Exploring digital technologies in higher educational settings: Enabling a community of inquiry
M Sundgren
Mid Sweden University, 2023
Närvaro eller frånvaro: Sociala medier för lärande
M Sundgren
Nationell Konferens i Pedagogiskt Arbete 2023, Norrköping, 27-28, 2023
Active Learning Classrooms to Support Collaborative Group Learning in Higher Education-the Teacher Perspective
M Sundgren, P Mozelius
ECER 2018, Bolzano Italy, 4-7 September, 2018, 2018
Design of Active Learning Spaces for Blended Learning Groups-the Teacher Perspective
M Sundgren, J Jaldemark, M Håkansson-Lindqvist, P Mozelius, LM Öberg
International Forum on Active Learning Classrooms, Minnesota, MN, August 9 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20