Mahammad Babanly
Mahammad Babanly
deputy-director of the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry
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Cited by
Cited by
Prediction and observation of an antiferromagnetic topological insulator
MM Otrokov, II Klimovskikh, H Bentmann, D Estyunin, A Zeugner, ZS Aliev, ...
Nature 576 (7787), 416-422, 2019
Atom-specific spin mapping and buried topological states in a homologous series of topological insulators
SV Eremeev, G Landolt, TV Menshchikova, B Slomski, YM Koroteev, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 635, 2012
Plasma-wave terahertz detection mediated by topological insulators surface states
L Viti, D Coquillat, A Politano, KA Kokh, ZS Aliev, MB Babanly, ...
Nano Letters 16 (1), 80-87, 2016
Novel ternary layered manganese bismuth tellurides of the MnTe-Bi2Te3 system: Synthesis and crystal structure
ZS Aliev, IR Amiraslanov, DI Nasonova, AV Shevelkov, NA Abdullayev, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 789, 443-450, 2019
Tunable 3D/2D magnetism in the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)m topological insulators family
II Klimovskikh, MM Otrokov, D Estyunin, SV Eremeev, SO Filnov, ...
npj Quantum Materials 5 (1), 54, 2020
Phase diagrams in materials science of topological insulators based on metal chalcogenides
MB Babanly, EV Chulkov, ZS Aliev, AV Shevelkov, IR Amiraslanov
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 62, 1703-1729, 2017
Disentanglement of surface and bulk Rashba spin splittings in noncentrosymmetric BiTeI
G Landolt, SV Eremeev, YM Koroteev, B Slomski, S Muff, T Neupert, ...
Physical review letters 109 (11), 116403, 2012
Nature of the Dirac gap modulation and surface magnetic interaction in axion antiferromagnetic topological insulator
AM Shikin, DA Estyunin, II Klimovskikh, SO Filnov, EF Schwier, S Kumar, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 13226, 2020
Interplay of surface and Dirac plasmons in topological insulators: the case of Bi2Se3
A Politano, VM Silkin, IA Nechaev, MS Vitiello, L Viti, ZS Aliev, ...
Physical review letters 115 (21), 216802, 2015
Signatures of temperature driven antiferromagnetic transition in the electronic structure of topological insulator MnBi2Te4
DA Estyunin, II Klimovskikh, AM Shikin, EF Schwier, MM Otrokov, ...
APL Materials 8 (2), 2020
The EMF method with solid-state electrolyte in the thermodynamic investigation of ternary Copper and Silver Chalcogenides
MB Babanly, YA Yusibov, NB Babanly
Electromotive force and measurement in several systems. Ed.S.Kara. Intechweb …, 2011
Some issues of complex studies of phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties in ternary chalcogenide systems involving Emf measurements
MB Babanly, LF Mashadiyeva, DM Babanly, SZ Imamaliyeva, DB Tagiev, ...
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 64, 1649-1671, 2019
Трехкомпонентные халькогениды на основе меди и серебра
МБ Бабанлы, ЮА Юсибов, ВТ Абишев
Sample-dependent Dirac-point gap in and its response to applied surface charge: A combined photoemission and ab initio study
AM Shikin, DA Estyunin, NL Zaitsev, D Glazkova, II Klimovskikh, SO Filnov, ...
Physical Review B 104 (11), 115168, 2021
Observation of a highly spin-polarized topological surface state in GeBi2Te4
K Okamoto, K Kuroda, H Miyahara, K Miyamoto, T Okuda, ZS Aliev, ...
Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 86, 195304, 2012
Bulk and surface electron dynamics in a p-type topological insulator SnSb2Te4
D Niesner, S Otto, V Hermann, T Fauster, TV Menshchikova, SV Eremeev, ...
Physical Review B 89 (8), 081404, 2014
Native point defects and their implications for the Dirac point gap at MnBi2Te4(0001)
M Garnica, MM Otrokov, PC Aguilar, II Klimovskikh, D Estyunin, ZS Aliev, ...
npj Quantum Materials 7 (1), 7, 2022
System Tl2Te-Bi2Te3-Te
MB Babanly, A Akhmad'yar, AA Kuliev
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 30 (9), 2356-2361, 1985
Physicochemical Aspects of Development of Multicomponent Chalcogenide Phases Having the Tl5Te3 Structure: A Review
SZ Imamaliyeva, DM Babanly, DB Tagiev, MB Babanly
Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 63, 1704-1730, 2018
Ternary Chalcogenides Based on Copper and Silver
MB Babanly, YA Yusibov, A VT
BSU publisher, 1993
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Articles 1–20