Marilena Mademtzi
Marilena Mademtzi
Postdoctoral Associate Yale University
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Cited by
Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot
B Scassellati, L Boccanfuso, CM Huang, M Mademtzi, M Qin, N Salomons, ...
Science Robotics 3 (21), eaat7544, 2018
Brief report: Remotely delivered video modeling for improving oral hygiene in children with ASD: A pilot study
B Popple, C Wall, L Flink, K Powell, K Discepolo, D Keck, M Mademtzi, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 46, 2791-2796, 2016
Blending human and artificial intelligence to support autistic children’s social communication skills
K Porayska-Pomsta, AM Alcorn, K Avramides, S Beale, S Bernardini, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 25 (6), 1-35, 2018
Challenges of females with autism: A parental perspective
M Mademtzi, P Singh, F Shic, K Koenig
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 1301-1310, 2018
Social influences on executive functioning in autism: design of a mobile gaming platform
B Li, A Atyabi, M Kim, E Barney, AY Ahn, Y Luo, M Aubertine, S Corrigan, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
Eye tracking as a behavioral biomarker for psychiatric conditions: the road ahead
F Shic
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 4 (55), 267-268, 2016
& Shic, F.(2018). Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot
B Scassellati, L Boccanfuso, CM Huang, M Mademtzi, M Qin, N Salomons
Science Robotics 3, 21, 0
State-of-the-art in TEL to support social communication skill development in children with autism: a multi-disciplinary review
K Avramides, S Bernardini, ME Foster, C Frauenberger, L Kossyvaki, ...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 4 (5-6), 359-372, 2012
The use of a Kinect-based technology within the school environment to enhance sensory-motor skills of children with autism
M Mademtzi
University of Birmingham, 2016
Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot. Sci Robot 2018, 3: eaat7544
B Scassellati, L Boccanfuso, CM Huang, M Mademtzi, M Qin, N Salomons, ...
Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems
M Mistry, A Leonardis, M Witkowski, C Melhuish
Springer International Publishing, 2014
The Effects of Video-Modeling on the Oral Hygiene of Children with Autism: A Promising Paradigm
M Mademtzi, B Pobble, CA Wall, L Flink, J Dikansky
IMFAR abstract book 226, 2016, 2016
Advancing technology to meet the needs of infants and toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorder.
F Shic, KJ Dommer, A Atyabi, M Mademtzi, RA Ĝien, JA Kientz, ...
The Guilford Press, 2020
Advancing technology to meet the needs of young children with ASD: Considerations for infants and toddlers
F Shic, KJ Dommer, A Atyabi, M Mademtzi, RA Ĝien, JA Kientz, ...
Advances in research on infants with autism spectrum disorder, 2019
Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems: 15th Annual Conference, TAROS 2014, Birmingham, UK, September 1-3, 2014. Proceedings
M Mistry, A Leonardis, M Witkowski, C Melhuish
Springer, 2014
Coglaboration: Towards fluent human-robot object handover interactions
A Koene, M Rank, R Roberts, S Endo, J Cooke, M Mademtzi, C Miall, ...
Computer Science 7282, 103-111, 2014
CogLaboration: Questionnaire for Elderly on Object Transfer Tasks Related to Activities of Daily Living
M Mademtzi, A Koene, AM Wing
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Articles 1–17