Monica Martinez-Haro
Monica Martinez-Haro
IREC - Instituto de Investigacion en Recursos Cinegeticos
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Effects of lead exposure on oxidative stress biomarkers and plasma biochemistry in waterbirds in the field
M Martinez-Haro, AJ Green, R Mateo
Environmental research 111 (4), 530-538, 2011
A review on the ecological quality status assessment in aquatic systems using community based indicators and ecotoxicological tools: what might be the added value of their …
M Martinez-Haro, R Beiras, J Bellas, R Capela, JP Coelho, I Lopes, ...
Ecological Indicators 48, 8-16, 2015
Relationship of the toxicity of pesticide formulations and their commercial restrictions with the frequency of animal poisonings
M Martínez-Haro, R Mateo, R Guitart, F Soler-Rodríguez, M Pérez-López, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69 (3), 396-402, 2008
Reducing Pb poisoning in birds and Pb exposure in game meat consumers: the dual benefit of effective Pb shot regulation
R Mateo, N Vallverdú-Coll, A López-Antia, MA Taggart, M Martínez-Haro, ...
Environment International 63, 163-168, 2014
Bioaccessibility of Pb from ammunition in game meat is affected by cooking treatment
R Mateo, AR Baos, D Vidal, PR Camarero, M Martinez-Haro, MA Taggart
PLoS One 6 (1), e15892, 2011
Sub-chronic effects of nitrate in drinking water on red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa): Oxidative stress and T-cell mediated immune function
J Rodríguez-Estival, M Martínez-Haro, MP Martín-Hernando, R Mateo
Environmental Research 110 (5), 469-475, 2010
Altered immune response in mallard ducklings exposed to lead through maternal transfer in the wild
N Vallverdú-Coll, A López-Antia, M Martinez-Haro, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, ...
Environmental Pollution 205, 350-356, 2015
Avian digestive tract simulation to study the effect of grit geochemistry and food on Pb shot bioaccessibility
M Martinez-Haro, MA Taggart, AJ Green, R Mateo
Environmental science & technology 43 (24), 9480-9486, 2009
Effect of game management on wild red-legged partridge abundance
S Diaz-Fernandez, B Arroyo, F Casas, M Martinez-Haro, J Vinuela
PLoS one 8 (6), e66671, 2013
Interactions between endogenous and dietary antioxidants against Pb-induced oxidative stress in wild ungulates from a Pb polluted mining area
J Rodríguez-Estival, M Martinez-Haro, L Monsalve-González, R Mateo
Science of the Total Environment 409 (14), 2725-2733, 2011
Long-term epidemiology, effect on body condition and interspecific interactions of concomitant infection by nasopharyngeal bot fly larvae (Cephenemyia auribarbis and …
J Vicente, Y Fierro, M Martinez, C Gortázar
Parasitology 129 (3), 349-361, 2004
Integrating active and passive monitoring to assess sublethal effects and mortality from lead poisoning in birds of prey
E Descalzo, PR Camarero, IS Sánchez-Barbudo, M Martinez-Haro, ...
Science of the Total Environment 750, 142260, 2021
When parasites are good for health: cestode parasitism increases resistance to arsenic in brine shrimps
MI Sánchez, I Pons, M Martínez-Haro, MA Taggart, T Lenormand, ...
PLoS Pathogens 12 (3), e1005459, 2016
Monitoring of Pb exposure in waterfowl ten years after a mine spill through the use of noninvasive sampling
M Martinez-Haro, MA Taggart, H Lefranc, RC Martin-Doimeadios, ...
PLoS One 8 (2), e57295, 2013
Identifying sources of Pb exposure in waterbirds and effects on porphyrin metabolism using noninvasive fecal sampling
M Martinez-Haro, MA Taggart, RRC Martín-Doimeadiós, AJ Green, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (14), 6153-6159, 2011
Pb–Al relationships in waterfowl feces discriminate between sources of Pb exposure
M Martínez-Haro, MA Taggart, R Mateo
Environmental Pollution 158 (7), 2485-2489, 2010
A multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation of the effects of foraging on landfills on white stork nestlings
J Pineda-Pampliega, Y Ramiro, A Herrera-Dueńas, M Martinez-Haro, ...
Science of the Total Environment 775, 145197, 2021
Lead-Shot Exposure in Red-Legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) on a Driven Shooting Estate
P Ferrandis, R Mateo, FR López-Serrano, M Martínez-Haro, ...
Environmental science & technology 42 (16), 6271-6277, 2008
Factors influencing lead, mercury and other trace element exposure in birds from metal mining areas
M Durkalec, M Martínez-Haro, A Nawrocka, J Pareja-Carrera, JEG Smits, ...
Environmental Research 212, 113575, 2022
Effects of lead shot ingestion on bone mineralization in a population of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)
P Álvarez-Lloret, AB Rodríguez-Navarro, CS Romanek, P Ferrandis, ...
Science of the Total Environment 466, 34-39, 2014
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Articles 1–20