Michael Ferris
Michael Ferris
Computer Sciences Dept. and WI. Inst. for Discovery, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cs.wisc.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Engineering and economic applications of complementarity problems
MC Ferris, JS Pang
Siam Review 39 (4), 669-713, 1997
The path solver: a nommonotone stabilization scheme for mixed complementarity problems
SP Dirkse, MC Ferris
Optimization methods and software 5 (2), 123-156, 1995
Optimal transmission switching
EB Fisher, RP O'Neill, MC Ferris
IEEE transactions on power systems 23 (3), 1346-1355, 2008
Complementarity problems in GAMS and the PATH solver
MC Ferris, TS Munson
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24 (2), 165-188, 2000
Co-optimization of generation unit commitment and transmission switching with N-1 reliability
KW Hedman, MC Ferris, RP O'Neill, EB Fisher, SS Oren
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 25 (2), 1052-1063, 2010
Weak sharp minima in mathematical programming
JV Burke, MC Ferris
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 31 (5), 1340-1359, 1993
MCPLIB: A collection of nonlinear mixed complementarity problems
SP Dirkse, MC Ferris
Optimization methods and software 5 (4), 319-345, 1995
Optimizing the delivery of radiation therapy to cancer patients
DM Shepard, MC Ferris, GH Olivera, TR Mackie
Siam Review 41 (4), 721-744, 1999
Limit analysis of frictional block assemblies as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints
MC Ferris, F Tin-Loi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 43 (1), 209-224, 2001
Interior-point methods for massive support vector machines
MC Ferris, TS Munson
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (3), 783-804, 2002
The power grid library for benchmarking ac optimal power flow algorithms
S Babaeinejadsarookolaee, A Birchfield, RD Christie, C Coffrin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.02788, 2019
Genetic algorithms for combinatorial optimization: the assemble line balancing problem
EJ Anderson, MC Ferris
ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (2), 161-173, 1994
Complementarity and variational problems: State of the Art
MC Ferris, JS Pang
Siam, 1997
A genetic algorithm for database query optimization
KP Bennett, MC Ferris, YE Ioannidis
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1991
A comparison of large scale mixed complementarity problem solvers
SC Billups, SP Dirkse, MC Ferris
Computational Optimization and Applications 7, 3-25, 1997
MATLAB and GAMS: Interfacing optimization and visualization software
M Ferris
Interfaces to PATH 3.0: Design, implementation and usage
MC Ferris, TS Munson
Computational Optimization and Applications 12, 207-227, 1999
A Gauss—Newton method for convex composite optimization
JV Burke, MC Ferris
Mathematical Programming 71 (2), 179-194, 1995
Enhancing ecosystem restoration efficiency through spatial and temporal coordination
TM Neeson, MC Ferris, MW Diebel, PJ Doran, JR O’Hanley, PB McIntyre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (19), 6236-6241, 2015
Finite termination of the proximal point algorithm
MC Ferris
Mathematical Programming 50 (1), 359-366, 1991
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