C. Palomares
Cited by
Cited by
Natural language processing for requirements engineering: The best is yet to come
F Dalpiaz, A Ferrari, X Franch, C Palomares
IEEE software 35 (5), 115-119, 2018
A metamodel for software requirement patterns
X Franch, C Palomares, C Quer, S Renault, F De Lazzer
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2010
Requirements reuse and requirement patterns: a state of the practice survey
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch
Empirical Software Engineering 22 (6), 2719-2762, 2017
Constructing and using software requirement patterns
X Franch, C Quer, S Renault, C Guerlain, C Palomares
Managing requirements knowledge, 95-116, 2013
A catalogue of functional software requirement patterns for the domain of content management systems
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch, S Renault, C Guerlain
Proceedings of the 28th annual acm symposium on applied computing, 1260-1265, 2013
Requirements reuse and patterns: a survey
C Palomares, X Franch, C Quer
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2014
Needs and Challenges for a Platform to Support Large-scale Requirements Engineering. A Multiple Case Study
D Fucci, C Palomares, X Franch, D Costal, M Raatikainen, M Stettinger, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02284, 2018
Identifying Requirements in Requests for Proposal: A Research Preview
A Falkner, C Palomares, X Franch, G Schenner, P Aznar, A Schoerghuber
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2019
A catalogue of non-technical Requirement Patterns
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch, C Guerlain, S Renault
Requirements Patterns (RePa), 2012 IEEE Second International Workshop on, 1-6, 2012
OpenReq: Recommender Systems in Requirements Engineering
A Felfernig, A Falkner, M Atas, S Reiterer, X Franch, C Palomares
RS-BDA’17, 2017
PABRE-Man: Management of a requirement patterns catalogue
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch
Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2011 19th IEEE International, 341-342, 2011
Personal Recommendations in Requirements Engineering: The OpenReq Approach
C Palomares, X Franch, D Fucci
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for …, 2018
Requirements Reuse with the PABRE Framework
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch
Requirements Engineering Magazine 2014, 01, 2014
PABRE-Proj: Applying patterns in requirements elicitation
C Palomares, C Quer, X Franch
Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 2013 21st IEEE International, 332-333, 2013
Reconciling practice and rigour in ontology-based heterogeneous information systems construction
C Quer, X Franch, C Palomares, A Falkner, A Felfernig, D Fucci, W Maalej, ...
IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling, 205-220, 2018
OpenReq-DD: A Requirements Dependency Detection Tool
Q Motger, R Borrull, C Palomares, J Marco
2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering …, 2019
ORSIM: Integrating Existing Software Components to Detect Similar Natural Language Requirements.
CA Furnari, C Palomares, X Franch
REFSQ Workshops, 2018
Definition and use of software requirement patterns in requirements engineering activities
C Palomares Bonache
Proceedings of the REFSQ 2014 Workshops, the REFSQ 2014 Empirical Track, and …, 2014
Definition and Use of Software requirement Patterns in Requirements Engineering Activities
C Palomares
PhD Thesis Proposal at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2013
On the use of requirement patterns to analyse request for proposal documents
D Costal, X Franch, L López, C Palomares, C Quer
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 549-557, 2019
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Articles 1–20