Maher Khemakhem
Maher Khemakhem
. University of Sfax, Tunisia and Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz
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Cited by
A model-based approach to offline text-independent Arabic writer identification and verification
MN Abdi, M Khemakhem
Pattern Recognition 48 (5), 1890-1903, 2015
A database for arabic handwritten text image recognition and writer identification
A Mezghani, S Kanoun, M Khemakhem, H El Abed
2012 international conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition, 399-402, 2012
Hierarchical blockchain-based multi-chaincode access control for securing IoT systems
AI Abdi, FE Eassa, K Jambi, K Almarhabi, M Khemakhem, A Basuhail, ...
Electronics 11 (5), 711, 2022
Sybil nodes as a mitigation strategy against sybil attack
Z Trifa, M Khemakhem
Procedia Computer Science 32, 1135-1140, 2014
Database for Arabic printed text recognition research
FK Jaiem, S Kanoun, M Khemakhem, H El Abed, J Kardoun
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2013: 17th International Conference …, 2013
A novel approach for off-line Arabic writer identification based on stroke feature combination
MN Abdi, M Khemakhem, H Ben-Abdallah
2009 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, 597-600, 2009
Energy management strategy in cloud computing: a perspective study
T Chaabouni, M Khemakhem
Journal of Supercomputing,, 2017
Off-Line Text-Independent Arabic Writer Identification using Contour-Based Features
MN Abdi, M Khemakhem
International Journal of Signal and Image Processing (IJSIP, Hyperscience) 1 (1), 2010
A survey on privacy of location-based services: Classification, inference attacks, and challenges
MS Alrahhal, M Khemakhem, K Jambi
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 95 (24), 6719-6740, 2017
Towards A Distributed Arabic OCR Based on the DTW Algorithm: Performance Analysis.
M Khemakhem, A Belghith
International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) 6 (2), 2009
Ensemble model based on hybrid deep learning for intrusion detection in smart grid networks
U AlHaddad, A Basuhail, M Khemakhem, FE Eassa, K Jambi
Sensors 23 (17), 7464, 2023
Added values of linked data in education: A survey and roadmap
S Nahhas, O Bamasag, M Khemakhem, N Bajnaid
Computers 7 (3), 45, 2018
Arabic writer identification and verification using template matching analysis of texture
MN Abdi, M Khemakhem
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2012
A multipurpose multi-agent system based on a loosely coupled architecture to speedup the DTW algorithm for Arabic printed cursive OCR
M Khemakhem, A Belghith
The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference onComputer Systems and …, 2005
A novel replication technique to attenuate churn effects
Z Trifa, M Khemakhem
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9, 344-355, 2016
An interoperable blockchain security frameworks based on microservices and smart contract in IoT environment
KS Alshudukhi, MA Khemakhem, FE Eassa, KM Jambi
Electronics 12 (3), 776, 2023
Ensemble Deep Learning Models for Mitigating DDoS Attack in Software-Defined Network.
F Alanazi, K Jambi, F Eassa, M Khemakhem, A Basuhail, K Alsubhi
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 33 (2), 2022
An effective combination of MPP contour-based features for off-line text-independent arabic writer identification
M Nidhal Abdi, M Khemakhem, H Ben-Abdallah
Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: International …, 2009
Taxonomy of structured P2P overlay networks security attacks
Z Trifa, M Khemakhem
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 6 (4), 470-476, 2012
Arabic type written character recognition using dynamic comparison
M Khemakhem, MC Fehri
Proc. 1st Computer conference Kuwait, 1989
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Articles 1–20