Modele numerice în studiul şi concepţia dispozitivelor electrotehnice V Fireţeanu, M Popa, T Tudorache Editura Matrix Rom Bucuresti, 2004 | 36 | 2004 |
Numerical analysis of induction through heating processes and optimal parameters evaluation V Fireţeanu, M Popa, T Tudorache, E Vladu Proceedings of the sixth International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic …, 2003 | 22 | 2003 |
Influence of single or multiple faults short-circuit, broken rotor bar and eccentricity on the torque and rotor force in induction motors V Fireteanu, AI Constantin, M Popa 2018 XIII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), 1868-1874, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Maximum of energetic efficiency in induction through-heating processes V Fireteanu, M Popa, T Tudorache, L Levacher, B Paya, Y Neau Proceedings of HES Symposium, Padua, Italy, 80-86, 2004 | 8 | 2004 |
Finite Element Analysis of Aluminum Billet Heating by Rotation in DC Magnetic Fields V Fireteanu, T Tudorache, M Popa, S Pasca Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84 (11), 115-119, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Modelling the process of induction heating in volume of a bar strip using Flux 2D software, coupled with Minitab experimental design software M Codrean, C Simina, M Popa, T Leuca, NC Giurgiu Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 (1), 5, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Using genetic algorithms in optimal design of electromagnetic devices T Leuca, E Vladu, M Popa REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCES TECHNIQUES SERIE ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ENERGETIQUE …, 2004 | 5 | 2004 |
Study of an electromagnetic levitation system M Popa Revista de Tehnologii Neconventionale 14 (3), 34, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Transient Magnetic–Transient Thermal Finite Element Models of Coil and Workpiece Temperature Increase During Magnetoforming Processes V Fireteanu, P Taras, M Popa, S Pasca Proc. of Int. Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, 213-216, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Electromagnetic Forming-an Efficient Technology for Metallic Sheet Processing S Pasca, T Vesselenyi, P Mudura, M Tomse, M Popa, V Fireteanu, ... Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84 (11), 197-202, 2008 | 2 | 2008 |
Numerical models in the study and design electrotechnical devices V Fireţeanu, M Popa, T Tudorache Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |
Series Arc Fault in Low Voltage Electrical Circuits M Popa, S Pasca 2023 17th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems …, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |
Optimizing the process of inductive heating in volume using numerical simulations M Codrean, S Coman, M Popa, M Codrean Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 10 (2), 19-24, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Optimization of a RF-Applicator M Popa 2017 14th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems …, 2017 | 1 | 2017 |
Numerical Analysis of the Induction Heating in Volume of a Half-Finished Product, Neglecting the End Effect M Codrean, S Coman, M Popa, M Gordan, NC Giurgiu Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 9 (2), 11, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Numerical modelling of the transient regime for a DC electromagnetic relay M Popa 2015 13th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems …, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Coupling the Numerical Modeling of the Inductive Heating Process Using a Matlab-PDE Software Development and the Minitab-Full Factorial Software in order to Optimize the … T Leuca, M Popa, M Novac, M Codreanu, A Burca, D Telea Journal of electrical and electronics engineering 8 (1), 23, 2015 | 1 | 2015 |
Transversal flux scanning induction heating of magnetic nonlinear steel sheets with temperature dependent properties V Fireteanu, M Popa, S Pasca, P Taras Proc. of EPM-2012 Conference, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Magnetoharmonic–Transient Thermal–Translating Motion Finite Element Analysis of Scanning Induction Heating of Sheets in Transversal Flux V Fireteanu, M Popa, P Taras Computer Field Models of Electromagnetic Devices, 821-827, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
The study of inhomogeneities effect on the insulation of a power cable M Popa, S Pasca 2019 15th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems …, 2019 | | 2019 |