Thomas Lancaster
Cited by
Cited by
Eliminating the successor to plagiarism? Identifying the usage of contract cheating sites
R Clarke, T Lancaster
Proceedings of 2nd international plagiarism conference, 19-21, 2006
Contract cheating by STEM students through a file sharing website: a Covid-19 pandemic perspective
T Lancaster, C Cotarlan
International Journal for Educational Integrity 17, 1-16, 2021
Contract cheating: The outsourcing of assessed student work
T Lancaster, R Clarke
Handbook of Academic Integrity. Singapore: Springer 10, 978-981, 2016
246 reasons to cheat: An analysis of students’ reasons for seeking to outsource academic work
A Amigud, T Lancaster
Computers & Education 134, 98-107, 2019
Plagiarism issues for higher education
F Culwin, T Lancaster
Vine 31 (2), 36-41, 2001
Exam cheating and academic integrity breaches during the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of internet search activity in Spain
R Comas-Forgas, T Lancaster, A Calvo-Sastre, J Sureda-Negre
Heliyon 7 (10), 2021
A comparison of source code plagiarism detection engines
T Lancaster, F Culwin
Computer Science Education 14 (2), 101-112, 2004
Classifications of plagiarism detection engines
T Lancaster, F Culwin
Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 4 …, 2005
Artificial intelligence, text generation tools and ChatGPT–does digital watermarking offer a solution?
T Lancaster
International Journal for Educational Integrity 19 (1), 10, 2023
The phenomena of contract cheating
T Lancaster, R Clarke
Student plagiarism in an online world: Problems and solutions, 144-159, 2008
A review of electronic services for plagiarism detection in student submissions
F Culwin, T Lancaster
LTSN-ICS 1st Annual Conference, 23-25, 2000
Source Code Plagiarism in UK HE Computing Schools, Issues, Attitudes and Tools
F Culwin, A MacLeod, T Lancaster
South Bank University, London, 2001
Effective And Efficient Plagiarism Detection
T Lancaster
London South Bank University, 2003
Commercial aspects of contract cheating
R Clarke, T Lancaster
Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Innovation and technology in …, 2013
Profiling the international academic ghost writers who are providing low-cost essays and assignments for the contract cheating industry
T Lancaster
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2018
Establishing a systematic six-stage process for detecting contract cheating
R Clarke, T Lancaster
2007 2nd International conference on pervasive computing and applications …, 2007
I will pay someone to do my assignment: an analysis of market demand for contract cheating services on twitter
A Amigud, T Lancaster
Assessment & Evaluation in higher education 45 (4), 541-553, 2020
Plagiarism, prevention, deterrence & detection
F Culwin, T Lancaster
Academic discipline integration by contract cheating services and essay mills
T Lancaster
Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (2), 115-127, 2020
Rethinking Assessment By Examination In The Age Of Contract Cheating
R Lancaster, T. and Clarke
Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond 2017, 215-228, 2017
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Articles 1–20