Abdulrahman Manea, Abdulrahman Al-Mana
Abdulrahman Manea, Abdulrahman Al-Mana
Computational Scientist, Upstream Research Center, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
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Cited by
New frontiers in large scale reservoir simulation
AH Dogru, LS Fung, U Middya, TM Al-Shaalan, T Byer, H Hoy, WA Hahn, ...
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, SPE-142297-MS, 2011
Parallel multiscale linear solver for highly detailed reservoir models
AM Manea, J Sewall, HA Tchelepi
SPE Journal 21 (06), 2062-2078, 2016
Extreme learning machine as maintainability prediction model for object-oriented software systems
SO Olatunji, Z Rasheed, KA Sattar, AM Al-Mana, M Alshayeb, ...
Journal of Computing 2 (8), 49-56, 2010
Parallel enriched algebraic multiscale solver
AM Manea, H Hajibeygi, P Vassilevski, HA Tchelepi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D011S003R001, 2017
On Linux starvation of CPU-bound processes in the presence of network I/O
K Salah, A Manea, S Zeadally, JMA Calero
Computers & Electrical Engineering 37 (6), 1090-1105, 2011
Convergence of the undrained split iterative scheme for coupling flow with geomechanics in heterogeneous poroelastic media
T Almani, A Manea, K Kumar, AH Dogru
Computational Geosciences 24, 551-569, 2020
A massively parallel algebraic multiscale solver for reservoir simulation on the GPU architecture
AM Manea, T Almani
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D011S003R001, 2019
Hiding encrypted speech using steganography
AJ Al-Najjar, AK Alvi, SU Idrees, AM Al-Manea
7th WSEAS International Conference on Multimedia, Internet & Video …, 2007
A massively parallel reservoir simulator on the GPU architecture
U Middya, A Manea, M Alhubail, T Ferguson, T Byer, A Dogru
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D011S010R002, 2021
Parallel multigrid and multiscale flow solvers for high-performance-computing architectures
AM Manea, H Tchelepi, K Aziz, RG Clapp
Stanford University, 2015
Implementation and experimental evaluation of a simple packet rate estimator
K Salah, F Haidari, A Bahjat, A Manaa
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications 63 (11), 977-985, 2009
Enriched algebraic multiscale linear solver
A Manea, H Hajibeygi, P Vassilevski, HA Tchelepi
ECMOR XV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, cp-494 …, 2016
A multi-level algebraic multiscale solver (ML-AMS) for reservoir simulation
A Manea, T Almani
ECMOR XVI-16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2018 …, 2018
Convergence And Error Analysis Of The Undrained-Split Iterative Coupling Scheme In Heterogeneous Poro-Elastic Media
T Almani, A Manea, K Kumar
ECMOR XVI-16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2018 …, 2018
A massively parallel semicoarsening multigrid linear solver on multi-core and multi-GPU architectures
AM Manea, HA Tchelepi
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D011S003R003, 2017
On the Convergence of Flow and Mechanics Iterative Coupling Schemes in Fractured Heterogeneous Poro-Elastic Media
T Almani, K Kumar, A Manea
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019: European …, 2021
Mitigating starvation of Linux CPU-bound processes in the presence of network I/O
K Salah, A Manea, S Zeadally, JMA Calero
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (8), 1899-1914, 2012
GPU-Enabled Scalable Multiscale Solver for Reservoir Simulation
A Manea
International Petroleum Technology Conference, D031S075R003, 2022
Scalable Graphics Processing Unit–Based Multiscale Linear Solvers for Reservoir Simulation
A Manea, T Almani
SPE Journal, 1-20, 2021
A Massively Parallel Restriction-Smoothed Basis Multiscale Solver on Multicore and GPU Architectures
AM Manea
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference?, D011S004R002, 2021
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Articles 1–20