A nonconvex vector minimization problem AB Nemeth Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 10 (7), 669-678, 1986 | 136 | 1986 |
Between Pareto efficiency and Pareto ε-efficiency AB Németh Optimization 20 (5), 615-637, 1989 | 57 | 1989 |
Monotonicity of metric projections onto positive cones of ordered Euclidean spaces G Isac, AB Németh Archiv der Mathematik 46 (6), 568-576, 1986 | 56 | 1986 |
Projection methods, isotone projection cones, and the complementarity problem G Isac, AB Németh J. Math. Anal. Appl 153 (1), 258-275, 1990 | 49 | 1990 |
How to project onto an isotone projection cone AB Németh, SZ Németh Linear Algebra and its Applications 433 (1), 41-51, 2010 | 46 | 2010 |
Every generating isotone projection cone is latticial and correct G Isac, AB Németh Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 147 (1), 53-62, 1990 | 34 | 1990 |
Isotone projection cones in Euclidean spaces G Isac, AB Németh Ann. Sci. Math. Québec 16 (1), 35-52, 1992 | 31 | 1992 |
Lattice-like operations and isotone projection sets AB Németh, SZ Németh Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (10), 2815-2828, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
About the extension of the domain of definition of the Chebyshev systems defined on intervals of the real axis AB Németh Mathematica (Cluj) 11 (34), 307-310, 1969 | 19 | 1969 |
Transformations of the Chebyshev systems(Novel type of interpolation derived by introducing operator B and Chebyshev spaces) AB Nemeth Mathematica 8 (2), 315-333, 1966 | 19 | 1966 |
Characterization of a Hilbert vector lattice by the metric projection onto its positive cone AB Németh Journal of Approximation Theory 123 (2), 295-299, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Supporting spheres for families of independent convex sets H Kermer, AB Németh Archiv der Mathematik 24 (1), 91-96, 1973 | 17 | 1973 |
How to project onto the monotone nonnegative cone using pool adjacent violators type algorithms AB Németh, SZ Németh arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.2343, 2012 | 16 | 2012 |
A duality between the metric projection onto a convex cone and the metric projection onto its dual AB Németh, SZ Németh Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 392 (2), 171-178, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
Equally spaced points for families of compact convex sets in Minkowski spaces H Kramer, AB Németh Mathematica (Cluj) 15 (38), 71-78, 1973 | 14 | 1973 |
A geometrical approach to iterative isotone regression A Guyader, N Jégou, AB Németh, SZ Németh Applied Mathematics and Computation 227, 359-369, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
On the subdifferentiability of convex operators AB Németh Journal of the London Mathematical Society 2 (3), 552-558, 1986 | 13 | 1986 |
The application of Brouwer’s fixed point theorem to the geometry of convex bodies, An H Kramer, AB Németh Univ. Timisoara Ser. Sti. Mat 13, 33-39, 1975 | 13 | 1975 |
The nonconvex minimization principle in ordered regular Banach spaces AB Nemeth | 12 | 1981 |