Alexander Kagalo, Олександр Кагало, Александр  Кагало, IntraBioDiv Consortium, Alexander Kahalo
Alexander Kagalo, Олександр Кагало, Александр Кагало, IntraBioDiv Consortium, Alexander Kahalo
завідувач відділу охорони природних екосистем, Інститут екології Карпат НАН України
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Червона книга України. Рослинний світ / за ред. Я.П. Дідуха
колектив авторів
К.: Глобалконсалтинг, 2009
Genetic consequences of Pleistocene range shifts: contrast between the Arctic, the Alps and the East African mountains
D Ehrich, M Gaudeul, A Assefa, K Koch, MA, Mummenhoff, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2007 16 (12), 2542-2559, 2007
Atlas florae europaeae
A Kurtto, R Lampinen, L Junikka
Distribution of vascular plants in Europe 13, 320, 2004
Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of vascular plants in Europe
AK Kurtto, AN Sennikov, RE Lampinen
The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe & Societas Biologica Fennica …, 2018
History or ecology? Substrate type as a major driver of patial genetic structure in Alpine plants
N Alvarez, C Thiel-Egenter, A Tribsch, R Holderegger, S Manel, ...
Ecology Letters 12 (7), 632-640, 2009
Genetic diversity in widespread species is not congruent with species richness in alpine plant communities
P Taberlet, NE Zimmermann, T Englisch, A Tribsch, R Holderegger, ...
Ecology Letters 15 (12), 1439-1448, 2012
Broad‐scale adaptive genetic variation in alpine plants is driven by temperature and precipitation
S Manel, F Gugerli, W Thuiller, N Alvarez, P Legendre, R Holderegger, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2012 21 (15), 3729-3738, 2012
Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation–a project synopsis
F Gugerli, T Englisch, H Niklfeld, A Tribsch, Z Mirek, M Ronikier, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 2008 10 (4), 259-281, 2008
Genetic structure of Hypochaeris uniflora (Asteraceae) suggests vicariance in the Carpathians and rapid post‐glacial colonization of the Alps from an eastern Alpine
P Mráz, M Gaudeul, D Rioux, L Gielly, P Choler, P Taberlet, ...
Journal of Biogeography 34 (12), 2100–2114, 2007
A new individual‐based spatial approach for identifying genetic discontinuities in natural populations
S Manel, F Berthoud, E Bellemain, M Gaudeul, G Luikart, JE Swenson, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2007 16 (10), 2031-2043, 2007
Historical divergence vs. contemporary gene flow: evolutionary history of the calcicole Ranunculus alpestris group (Ranunculaceae) in the European Alps and the Carpathians
O Paun, P Schönswetter, M Winkler, IBD Consortium, A Tribsch
Molecular Ecology, 2008 17 (19), 4263-4275, 2008
Break zones in the distributions of alleles and species in alpine plants
C Thiel-Egenter, N Alvarez, R Holderegger, A Tribsch, T Englisch, ...
Journal of Biogeography 38 (4), 772-782, 2011
Roslynnyi svit (2009)
C knyga Ukrainy
K.: Globalconsaltyng, 0
Effects of species traits on the genetic diversity of high-mountain plants: a multi-species study across the Alps and the Carpathians
C Thiel-Egenter, F Gugerli, N Alvarez, S Brodbeck, E Cieślak, L Colli, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2009 18 (1), 78-87, 2009
Atlas Florae Europaeae. Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe. 15. Rosaceae (Rubus)
A Kurtto, HE Weber, R Lampinen, AN Sennikov
15 15, 1-362, 2010
Раритетні фітоценози західних регіонів України (Регіональна “Зелена книга”)
СМ Стойко, ЛІ Мілкіна, ПТ Ященко, ОО Кагало, ЛО Тасєнкевич
Львів: Поллі, 1998
Ecology and life history affect different aspects of the population structure of 27 high-alpine plants
PG Meirmans, J Goudet, IBD Consortium, OE Gaggiotti
Molecular Ecology, 2011 20 (15), 3144-3155, 2011
Intrabiodiv Consortium & Brochmann, C.(2007) Genetic consequences of Pleistocene range shifts: contrast between the Arctic, the Alps and the East African mountains
D Ehrich, M Gaudeul, A Assefa, MA Koch, K Mummenhoff, S Nemomissa
Molecular Ecology 16 (12), 2542-2559, 0
Concordant genetic breaks, identified by combining clustering and tessellation methods, in two co-distributed alpine plant species
C Thiel-Egenter, R Holderegger, S Brodbeck, IBD Consortium, F Gugerli
Molecular Ecology 18 (21), 4495-4507, 2009
Раритетний фітогенофонд західних регіонів України (созологічна оцінка й наукові засади охорони)
СМ Стойко, ПТ Ященко, ОО Кагало, ЛІ Мілкіна, ЛО Тасєнкевич, ...
Львів: Вид-во" Ліга-Прес, 66-88, 2004
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