Simona Georgescu
Simona Georgescu
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Cited by
Automatic discrimination between inherited and borrowed Latin words in Romance languages
AM Cristea, LP Dinu, S Georgescu, ML Mihai, AS Uban
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2845-2855, 2021
La regularidad en el cambio semántico: las onomatopeyas en cuanto centros de expansión en las lenguas románicas
S Georgescu
Éditions de linguistique et de philologie, 2021
Tracking semantic change in cognate sets for English and Romance languages
AS Uban, AM Cristea, A Dinu, LP Dinu, S Georgescu, L Zoicas
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Approaches to …, 2021
Las ‘creaciones expresivas’ del Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico en contexto románico e indoeuropeo. Un nuevo (ya la vez antiguo) enfoque
S Georgescu
Revista de filología románica 35 (1), 119-140, 2018
Mozo, mocho y muchacho,¿ palabras sin etimología?
SR Georgescu
Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y de Filología …, 2013
RoBoCoP: A Comprehensive ROmance BOrrowing COgnate Package and Benchmark for Multilingual Cognate Identification
LP Dinu, A Uban, A Cristea, A Dinu, IB Iordache, S Georgescu, L Zoicas
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2023
Zote'tonto': una nueva propuesta etimológica
S Georgescu
Cuadernos del Instituto Historia de La Lengua, 65-84, 2022
It. attaccare, fr. attacher: reevaluare etimologică
S Georgescu
Analele Universităţii de Vest din Timişoara. Seria ştiinţe filologice, 9-22, 2020
Cotohili at lscdiscovery: the role of linguistic features in predicting semantic change
AS Uban, AM Cristea, AD Dinu, LP Dinu, S Georgescu, L Zoicas
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical …, 2022
Towards an Etymological Map of Romanian
AM Cristea, A Dinu, LP Dinu, S Georgescu, AS Uban, L Zoicas
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural …, 2021
The world as a yawning gap: new insights into the etymology of Lat. mundus ‘world’
S Georgescu
Lemmata linguística latina: Volume I: Words and Sounds, 206-223, 2020
Denumiri ale" copilului" în latină şi în limbile romanice:(cu accent pe românǎ şi spaniolă)
S Georgescu
Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2011
Pater Incertus? There Is a Solution: Automatic Discrimination between Cognates and Borrowings for Romance Languages
LP Dinu, AS Uban, IB Iordache, AM Cristea, S Georgescu, L Zoicas
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational …, 2024
Esp. (y gall.-ptg.) buscar: una aproximación etimológica apoyada en los datos panrománicos
S Georgescu
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 137 (1), 99-122, 2021
Sobre la etimología del verbo iuuare
SR Georgescu
Latinitatis Rationes: Descriptive and Historical Accounts for the Latin …, 2016
La continuación del lat.„aer” en las lenguas románicas
S Georgescu
Editura Academiei Române, 2012
It takes two to borrow: a donor and a recipient. Who’s who?
LP Dinu, A Uban, A Dinu, IB Iordache, S Georgescu, L Zoicas
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024, 6023-6035, 2024
Las aportaciones de la lengua asturiana a la etimología románica
S Georgescu
Lletres Asturianes, 9-38, 2022
Conceptual metaphors leading to some names of anger in the Indo-European languages (with focus on the romance languages)
S Georgescu
Revue Roumaine Delinguistique-Romanian Rev. Linguist 65, 189-197, 2020
Verba volant, scripta volant? Don’t worry! There are computational solutions for protoword reconstruction
LP Dinu, A Uban, A Cristea, IB Iordache, TG Marchitan, S Georgescu, ...
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2024
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Articles 1–20