Andrei Vrînceanu
Andrei Vrînceanu
Cercetător, Institutul Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Pedologie, Agrochimie și Protecția
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Influence of domestic activity on the quality of groundwater and surface water in the rural built-up area of the southern Romanian Danube Plain–a case study in the Glavacioc …
R Lăcătușu, C Paltineanu, A Vrinceanu, AR Lăcătușu
Carpathian Journal of Earth And Environmental Sciences 14 (2), 323-334, 2019
Influence of soil-texture on nitrate leaching from small-scale lysimeters toward groundwater in various environments
H Domnariu, C Paltineanu, D Marica, AR Lacatusu, N Rizea, R Lazar, ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 15 (2), 301-310, 2020
Assesment of Degradation Processes and Limitative Factors Concerning the Arenosols from Dăbuleni-Romania
P Ignat, A Gherghina, A Vrînceanu, A Anghel
Forum geografic 8 (8), 64-71, 2009
Comparing soil physical properties in forest soils and arable soils within heavy-clay Phaeozems: an environmental case study in Romania
C Paltineanu, R Lacatusu, A Vrinceanu, O Vizitiu, AR Lacatusu
Agroforestry Systems 94 (1), 113-123, 2020
Definition of the soil units of the 1:200000 soil map of Romania using an extended terminology of the WRB system.
Vlad V., Florea N., Toti M., Daniela Răducu, Munteanu I., Seceleanu I ...
Analele Universității din Craiova, Seria Agricultură, Montanologie, Cadastru …, 2012
Organic carbon sequestration and nitrogen content in forest soils versus arable soils within a heavy-clay Phaeozem landscape: a Romanian case study
P Cristian, L Radu, V Andrei, LA Rovena
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 66 (14), 2026-2038, 2020
Decontamination of a petroleum hydrocarbons polluted soil by different bioremediation strategies
AR Lacatusu, R Lacatusu, M Dumitru, IR Moraru, A Vrinceanu, ...
Annals of the University of Craiova-Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre …, 2017
Effects of long-term industrial pollution on heavy metals accumulation in soils and maize crops on Târnava Mare river bottomland
M Dumitru, DM Motelică, N Vrînceanu, S Dumitru, AG Vrînceanu
Acta Metallomica–MEEMB 11 (1), 35-42, 2014
An improved method to study solute leaching in large undisturbed soil columns near field capacity toward the groundwater in various environments
C Paltineanu, A Vrinceanu, AR Lăcătușu, R Lăcătușu, H Domnariu, ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth And Environmental Sciences 15 (1), 93-102, 2020
Mapping the nitrate contamination levels in the groundwater in Timis County-a GIS approach.
S Dumitru, P Ignat, A Anghel, A Gherghina, A Vrînceanu
Soil heavy metal status from Maramures county, Romania
A Manea, M Dumitru, N Vrinceanu, A Eftene, A Anghel, A Vrinceanu, ...
Proceedings of the GLOREP 2108, 0
The Effects of the Aridity Phenomenon Intensification on the Vegetal Land Cover in the Eastern Romanian Plain
AG Vrînceanu, AR Lăcătușu, A Anghel, IR Moraru, M Dumitru
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 18 (3.2), 543-550, 2018
Selenium in soils of the Danube Delta North-Western part
R Lăcătușu, MM Stanciu-Burileanu, I Râșnoveanu, AR Lăcătușu, ...
Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 145-156, 2012
Selenium in the soil-plant system of the Făgăraș depression.
Radu Lăcătușu, Mihaela Lungu, Mihaela Monica Stanciu-Burileanu, Anca Rovena ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 (4), 37-46, 0
Influence of some environmental variables on organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in grassland mineral soils from various temperate-climate ecosystems
AR Lăcătușu, H Domnariu, C Paltineanu, S Dumitru, A Vrînceanu, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 217, 105554, 2024
Risk Assessment of Hydrocarbons’ Storing in Different Textured Soils in Small-Scale lysimeters
AR Lăcătușu, C Paltineanu, H Domnariu, A Vrinceanu, D Marica, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (5), 169, 2021
Economic analysis between minimum tillage and conventional system.
L Burtan, A Vrinceanu, C Sirbu, T Cioroianu, M Dumitrascu, M Popovici
Root density of cherry trees grafted on prunus mahaleb in a semi-arid region
C Paltineanu, L Septar, C Gavat, E Chitu, A Oprita, C Moale, ...
International Agrophysics 30 (3), 2016
Selenium in the soil-plant system of the Fagaras depression
R Lacatusu, M Lungu, MM Stanciu-Burileanu, AR Lacatusu, I Risnoveanu, ...
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7 (4), 37-46, 2012
The Effect of Complex Mineral Fertilizers Coated With Co-Polyester Films from Waste Recycling on Soil Chemical Properties.
Anca-Rovena Lăcătușu, R. Lăcătușu, M. Dumitru, Stela Iancu, Mihaela Lungu ...
The Proceedings of the 15th World Fertilizers Congress of the International …, 2010
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