Emanuel Baltag
Emanuel Baltag
Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, ”Prof. Dr. Ioan Borcea” Marine Biological Research Station
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe uaic.ro
Citat de
Citat de
Bioconcentration of Essential and Nonessential Elements in Black Sea Turbot (Psetta Maxima Maeotica Linnaeus, 1758) in Relation to Fish Gender
IA Simionov, V Cristea, SM Petrea, A Mogodan, M Nicoara, ES Baltag, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (12), 466, 2019
Unpublished Mediterranean and Black Sea records of marine alien, cryptogenic, and neonative species
M Ragkousis, A Zenetos, JB Souissi, R Hoffman, R Ghanem, E Tașkın, ...
Zebrafish as a screening model to study the single and joint effects of antibiotics
R Jijie, G Mihalache, IM Balmus, SA Strungaru, ES Baltag, A Ciobica, ...
Pharmaceuticals 14 (6), 578, 2021
Patterns of toxic metals bioaccumulation in a cross-border freshwater reservoir
SA Strungaru, M Nicoara, C Teodosiu, E Baltag, C Ciobanu, G Plavan
Chemosphere 207, 192-202, 2018
Response of aquatic macroinvertebrates communities to multiple anthropogenic stressors in a lowland tributary river
SA Strungaru, CM Pohontiu, M Nicoara, C Teodosiu, ES Baltag, R Jijie, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 87, 103687, 2021
Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo) population during winter season in North-Eastern Romania: the influences of density, habitat selection, and weather
ES Baltag, V Pocora, LE Bolboaca
Ornis Fennica 90 (3), 186–192-186–192, 2013
Preliminary investigation of lower Danube pollution caused by potentially toxic metals
IA Simionov, DS Cristea, SM Petrea, A Mogodan, M Nicoara, G Plavan, ...
Chemosphere 264, 128496, 2021
Autumn migration of soaring birds at Bosporus: validating a new survey station design
A Fülöp, I Kovács, E Baltag, SJ Daróczi, AS Dehelean, LA Dehelean, ...
Bird Study 61 (2), 264-269, 2014
Site selection of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in Eastern Romania and how they are influenced by climate, relief, and vegetation
G Zaharia, L Petrencu, EȘ BALTAG
Turkish Journal of Zoology 40 (6), 917-924, 2016
Habitat selectivity of sympatric Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) and Ural Owl (Strix uralensis) in hill forests from north-eastern Romania
LE Bolboaca, ES Baltag, V Pocora, C Ion
Analele Științifice ale Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, s …, 2013
Factors influencing the breeding success of White Storks Ciconia ciconia in Eastern Romania
L Fasolă-Mătăsaru, EȘ Baltag, P Ichim, D Cojocaru
Ardeola 65 (2), 271-282, 2018
A review of constraints and solutions for collecting raptor samples and contextual data for a European Raptor Biomonitoring Facility
M Dulsat-Masvidal, R Lourenço, S Lacorte, M d'Amico, T Albayrak, ...
Science of the Total Environment 793, 148599, 2021
Long-legged Buzzard (Aves: Buteo) breeding population from Moldova region
ES Baltag, LE Bolboaca, C Ion
European Scientific Journal 12, 346-351, 2014
European ground squirrel (Mammalia: Rodentia) population from eastern Romania: density, distribution and threats
ES Baltag, G Zaharia, L Fasola, C Ion
European Scientific Journal, 2014
Serological survey of mosquito-borne arboviruses in wild birds from important migratory hotspots in Romania
M Coroian, C Silaghi, BA Tews, EȘ Baltag, M Marinov, V Alexe, Z Kalmár, ...
Pathogens 11 (11), 1270, 2022
White stork (Ciconia ciconia) population in Moldova (Romania), distribution, size and dynamics
EȘ Baltag, LE BOLBOACĂ, A Ștefan
Analele Științifice Ale Univ.„Al Cuza” Iași Biol. Anim. Tom LV, 187-197, 2009
Păsările și habitatele din zonele umede ale Moldovei
C Ion, EȘ Baltag, A Ursu, CC Stoleriu, C Mânzu, AE Ignat
Editura Universității" Alexandru Ioan Cuza", 2011
The structure and the dynamics of a hibernation mixed colony of bats (Chiroptera) from an old gallery mine (Rarău mountains–Romania)
Analele Științifice ale Universității “Al. I. Cuza”, Iași, Serie Biologie …, 2008
The role of natural science collections in the biomonitoring of environmental contaminants in apex predators in support of the EU’s zero pollution ambition
P Movalli, J Koschorreck, G Treu, J Slobodnik, N Alygizakis, ...
Environmental Sciences Europe 34 (1), 1-7, 2022
Factors affecting occurrence of Red-Backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) and Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) in low-intensify agriculture areas from eastern Europe
V Ajder, EȘ Baltag
Polish Journal of Ecology 65 (2), 285-294, 2017
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