A 1-MHz hard-switched silicon carbide DC–DC converter AM Abou-Alfotouh, AV Radun, HR Chang, C Winterhalter
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 21 (4), 880-889, 2006
105 2006 Power converter with a dynamically configurable controller and output filter AM Abou-Alfotouh, MR Dwarakanath, J Demski
US Patent 9,548,714, 2017
70 2017 Nonlinear Control for DC–DC Converters Based on Hysteresis of the Current With a Frequency Loop to Operate at Constant Frequency P Alou, JÁ Oliver, O Garcia, JA Cobos, AM Abou-Alfotouh
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (3), 1036-1043, 2010
66 2010 Power converter with a dynamically configurable controller based on a power conversion mode MR Dwarakanath, J Demski, AM Abou-Alfotouh
US Patent 8,698,463, 2014
55 2014 Design methodology of a non-invasive sensor to measure the current of the output capacitor for a very fast non-linear control SC Huerta, P Alou, JA Oliver, O Garcia, JA Cobos, A Abou-Alfotouh
2009 Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2009
53 2009 A 1 MHz hard-switched silicon carbide DC/DC converter AM Radun, V Arthur, C Hsuch-Rong, C Winerhalter
Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2003
28 * 2003 Conflict resolution using cognitive analysis approach H Al-Tabtabai, AP Alex, A Abou-alfotouh
Project Management Journal 32 (2), 4-16, 2001
28 2001 Coss capacitance contribution to synchronous buck converter losses M Orabi, A Abou-Alfotouh, A Lotfi
2008 IEEE power electronics specialists conference, 666-672, 2008
23 2008 A very fast control based on hysteresis of the Cout current with a frequency loop to operate at constant frequency SC Huerta, P Alou, JA Oliver, O Garcia, JA Cobos, A Abou-Alfotouh
2009 Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2009
22 2009 Compensation circuit design considerations for high frequency DC/DC buck converters with ceramic output capacitors A Abou-Alfotouh, A Lotfi, M Orabi
APEC 07-Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2007
17 2007 Nonlinear inductor modeling for power converter Z Liu, A Abou-Alfotouh, M Wilkowski
2012 Twenty-Seventh Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2012
14 2012 Switched tank-transformer based high step-down ratio DC-DC converter NC Sudhir Shrikantha Kudva (Dublin, CA), Ahmed Abou-Alfotouh (Dublin, CA ...
US Patent 10,601,324, 2020
10 2020 Design of high performance point of load converters with ultra-low output voltage ripple S Nagar, FAZ Said, M Orabi, A Abou-Alfotouh
2010 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 4145-4150, 2010
7 2010 Optimization of PCB PDN design using enhanced VRM model G Chen, A Abou-Alfotouh, Z Liu, M Shabban, D Oh
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC …, 2014
3 2014 PCB layout vias effect on power supply performance A Abou-Alfotouh, M Orabi, A Ghahary
2008 Twenty-Third Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2008
3 2008 Comparison among SiC JFETs at 1 MHz hard-switched DC/DC converter AM Abou-Alfotouh, AV Radun
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
3 2005 Characterization of silicon carbide power semiconductor schottky diodes and JFETs for high-switching frequency applications AM Abou-alfotouh
University of Kentucky, 2004
2 2004 2012 Combined Author Index IEEE Industry Applications Society Publications L Aarniovuori, MB Abadi, VV Aban, G Abba, NH Abbasy, A Abdel-Khalik, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (1), 349, 2013
2013 A very fast control based on hysteresis of the Cout current with a frequency loop to operate at constant frequency SC Huerta Oliveres, P Alou Cervera, JA Oliver Ramírez, O García Suárez, ...
IEEE Computer Society, 2009
2009 Design methodology of a non-invasive sensor to measure the current of the output capacitor for a very fast non-linear control SC Huerta Oliveres, P Alou Cervera, JA Oliver Ramírez, O García Suárez, ...
IEEE, 2009