Ioan I. Bucur
Citat de
Citat de
Stratigraphic significance of some skeletal algae (Dasycladales, Caulerpales) of the Phanerozoic
II Bucur
Università" La Sapienza", 1999
Tectonic development of the Vardar ocean and its margins: Evidence from the Republic of Macedonia and Greek Macedonia
AHF Robertson, B Trivić, N Đerić, II Bucur
Tectonophysics 595, 25-54, 2013
Crescentiella, a new name for “Tubiphytes” morronensis CRESCENTI, 1969: an enigmatic Jurassic–Cretaceous microfossil
B Senowbari-Daryan, II Bucur, F Schlagintweit, E Săsăran, ...
Geologia Croatica 61 (2-3), 185-214, 2008
Formaţiunile mezozoice din zona Reşita-Moldova Nouă:(Munţii Aninei şi estul Munţilor Locvei)
II Bucur
Presa Universitară Clujeană, 1997
Relationship between algae and environment: an Early Cretaceous case study, Trascău Mountains, Romania
II Bucur, E Săsăran
Facies 51, 275-287, 2005
Foraminifers and calcareous algae from Valanginian limestones in the Jerma River Canyon, Eastern Serbia
II Bucur, MA Conrad, R Radoicic
Muséum d'histoire naturelle, 1995
Early Cretaceous calcareous algae from central Iran (Taft Formation, south of Aliabad, near Yazd)
II Bucur, K Rashidi, B Senowbari-Daryan
Facies 58, 605-636, 2012
Lower Cretaceous dasyclad algae from the Padurea Craiului massif (Northern Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
II Bucur
Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 2 (1999), 53-72, 2000
Encrusting micro-organisms and microbial structures in Upper Jurassic limestones from the Southern Carpathians (Romania)
G Pleş, CV Mircescu, II Bucur, E Săsăran
Facies 59, 19-48, 2013
Some new or poorly known calcareous algae (Dasycladales, Gymnocodiaceae) in the Lower Cretaceous deposits from the Resita-Moldova Noua zone (Southern Carpathians, Romania)
II Bucur
Revista española de Micropaleontología 25 (1), 93-126, 1993
Upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks of the Berdiga Limestone--Sedimentation on an onbound platform with volcanic and episodic siliciclastic influx …
R Koch, II Bucur, MZ Kirmaci, M Eren, K Tasli
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen 247 (1), 23-62, 2008
Lower Cretaceous Halimedaceae and Gymnocodiaceae from southern Carpathians and Apuseni Mountains (Romania) and the systematic position of the Gymnocodiaceae
II Bucur
Beiträge zur Paläontologie 19, 13-37, 1994
Micropaleontological assemblages from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits of Trascău Mountains and their biostratigraphic significance
II Bucur, E Săsăran
Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 5 (2005), 27-38, 2005
Upper Jurassic-Lowermost Cretaceous benthic algae from Tethys and the European platform: a case study from Poland
II Bucur, M Hoffmann, B Kolodziej
Revista Española de Micropaleontología 37 (1), 105-129, 2005
The Valanginian history of the eastern part of the Getic Carbonate Platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania): Evidence for emergence and drowning of the platform
M Grădinaru, I Lazar, II Bucur, E Grădinaru, E Săsăran, MN Ducea, ...
Cretaceous Research 66, 11-42, 2016
Upper Jurassic calcareous algae from the Madonie Mountains, Sicily
B Senowbari-Daryan, II Bucur, B Abate
Beitr Paläont 19, 227-259, 1994
Praeorbitolina claveli n. sp.(benthic Foraminifera) from the Lower Aptian sensu lato (Bedoulian) of Central Iran
F Schlagintweit, II Bucur, K Rashidi, B Saberzadeh
Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 255-272, 2013
Early Cretaceous calcareous benthic microfossils from the eastern Alborz and western Kopet-Daghh (northern Iran) and their stratigraphic significance
II Bucur, MR Majidifard, B Senowbari-Daryan
Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 9 (1), 23-37, 2013
Development of a Lithocodium ('sjti. Bacinella irregrMZans)-reef-mound-A patch reef within Middle Aptian lagoonal limestone sequence near Nova Gorica (Sabotin Mountain, W …
R Koch, E Moussavian, B Ogorelec, D Skaberne, II Bucur
Geologija 45 (1), 71-90, 2002
Algues calcaires de la zone de Resita-Moldova Noua (Carpathes méridionales, Roumanie)
II Bucur
Revue de paléobiologie 13 (1), 147-209, 1994
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