Donald K.K. Lee
Donald K.K. Lee
Goizueta Business School; Dept of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics; Emory University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe emory.edu - Pagina de pornire
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Sharp bounds on the variance in randomized experiments
PM Aronow, DP Green, DKK Lee
The Annals of Statistics 42 (3), 850-871, 2014
Alloimmunization to red blood cell antigens affects clinical outcomes in liver transplant patients
SD Boyd, F Stenard, DKK Lee, LT Goodnough, CO Esquivel, MJ Fontaine
Liver Transplantation 13 (12), 1654-1661, 2007
An evidence-based incentive system for Medicare's end-stage renal disease program
DKK Lee, SA Zenios
Management science 58 (6), 1092-1105, 2012
Reexploring differences among for‐profit and nonprofit dialysis providers
DKK Lee, GM Chertow, SA Zenios
Health services research 45 (3), 633-646, 2010
A K‐nearest neighbors survival probability prediction method
DJ Lowsky, Y Ding, DKK Lee, CE McCulloch, LF Ross, JR Thistlethwaite, ...
Statistics in medicine 32 (12), 2062-2069, 2013
Interval estimation of population means under unknown but bounded probabilities of sample selection
PM Aronow, DKK Lee
Biometrika 100 (1), 235-240, 2013
Optimal capacity overbooking for the regular treatment of chronic conditions
DKK Lee, SA Zenios
Operations research 57 (4), 852-865, 2009
Demographic and clinical features of inclusion body myositis in North America
AD Paltiel, E Ingvarsson, DKK Lee, RL Leff, RJ Nowak, KD Petschke, ...
Muscle & nerve 52 (4), 527-533, 2015
Boosted nonparametric hazards with time-dependent covariates
DKK Lee, N Chen, H Ishwaran
The Annals of Statistics 49 (4), 2101, 2021
Development of Imminent Mortality Predictor for Advanced Cancer (IMPAC), a tool to predict short-term mortality in hospitalized patients with advanced cancer
K Adelson, DKK Lee, S Velji, J Ma, SK Lipka, J Rimar, P Longley, T Vega, ...
Journal of oncology practice 14 (3), e168-e175, 2018
Real-time mortality prediction using MIMIC-IV ICU data via boosted nonparametric hazards
Z Nowroozilarki, A Pakbin, J Royalty, DKK Lee, BJ Mortazavi
2021 IEEE EMBS international conference on biomedical and health informatics …, 2021
Using the Shapes of Clinical Data Trajectories to Predict Mortality in ICUs
J Ma, DKK Lee, ME Perkins, MA Pisani, E Pinker
Critical Care Explorations 1 (4), e0010, 2019
Can customer arrival rates be modelled by sine waves?
N Chen, R Gurlek, DKK Lee, H Shen
Service Science/Stochastic Systems (joint issue) 16 (2), 70-84, 2024
BoXHED: Boosted eXact hazard estimator with dynamic covariates
X Wang, A Pakbin, B Mortazavi, H Zhao, DKK Lee
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9973-9982, 2020
BoXHED2. 0: Scalable boosting of dynamic survival analysis
A Pakbin, X Wang, BJ Mortazavi, DKK Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12591, 2021
Super-resolution estimation of cyclic arrival rates
N Chen, DKK Lee, SN Negahban
The Annals of Statistics 47 (3), 1754-1775, 2019
You Have a Point–But a Point Is Not Enough: The Case for Distributional Forecasts of Earnings
ID Dichev, X Huang, DKK Lee, JD Zhao
Available at SSRN 4547337, 2023
Health savings accounts: consumer contribution strategies and policy implications
DJ Lowsky, DKK Lee, SA Zenios
MDM Policy & Practice 3 (2), 2381468318809373, 2018
Theory and software for boosted nonparametric hazard estimation
DKK Lee, N Chen, H Ishwaran, X Wang, A Pakbin, B Mortazavi, H Zhao
Survival Prediction-Algorithms, Challenges and Applications, 149-158, 2021
A note on breaking ties among sample medians
PM Aronow, DKK Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.03462, 2018
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