Matthew Bardeen
Matthew Bardeen
Assistant Professor Computer Science, Universidad de Talca
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Cited by
Artificial neural network to predict vine water status spatial variability using multispectral information obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
T Poblete, S Ortega-Farías, MA Moreno, M Bardeen
Sensors 17 (11), 2488, 2017
Detection and segmentation of vine canopy in ultra-high spatial resolution RGB imagery obtained from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): A case study in a commercial vineyard
C Poblete-Echeverría, GF Olmedo, B Ingram, M Bardeen
Remote Sensing 9 (3), 268, 2017
The optimization of success probability for software projects using genetic algorithms
F Reyes, N Cerpa, A Candia-Véjar, M Bardeen
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (5), 775-785, 2011
Selecting canopy zones and thresholding approaches to assess grapevine water status by using aerial and ground-based thermal imaging
D Sepúlveda-Reyes, B Ingram, M Bardeen, M Zúñiga, S Ortega-Farías, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (10), 822, 2016
Evaluating logistic regression models to estimate software project outcomes
N Cerpa, M Bardeen, B Kitchenham, J Verner
Information and Software Technology 52 (9), 934-944, 2010
Evaluating different families of prediction methods for estimating software project outcomes
N Cerpa, M Bardeen, CA Astudillo, J Verner
Journal of Systems and Software 112, 48-64, 2016
Data mining in electronic commerce-support vs. confidence
C Astudillo, M Bardeen, N Cerpa
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 9 (1), i-vii, 2014
Evaluation of a two-source patch model to estimate vineyard energy balance using high-resolution thermal images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
S Ortega-Farias, W Esteban-Condori, C Riveros-Burgos, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 304, 108433, 2021
Algorithms for the minmax regret path problem with interval data
F Pérez-Galarce, A Candia-Véjar, C Astudillo, M Bardeen
Information Sciences 462, 218-241, 2018
technological evolution in society-the evolution of mobile devices
M Bardeen, N Cerpa
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 10 (1), i-vii, 2015
A simulated annealing approach for the minmax regret path problem
F Pérez, CA Astudillo, M Bardeen, A Candia-Véjar
Proceedings of the Congresso Latino Americano de Investigación Operativa …, 2012
Survey of Methods to Prevent Premature Convergence in Evolutionary Algorithms
M Bardeen
Workshop of Natural Computing, Jornadas Chilenas de Computacion 2013, 2013
The value of death in evolution: A lesson from Daisyworld
M Bardeen
Lesson from Daisyworld: survival of the stable
MD Bardeen
University of Sussex, 2009
Td-learning and coevolution: Hiding or guiding?
M Bardeen
Master thesis, University of Sussex, 2002
Patch-level Selection in Darwinian Daisyworld
M Bardeen
Proc. of the Alife XII Conference, Odense, Denmark, 541, 2010
Lessons from Daisyworld
MD Bardeen
The value of death: A lesson from Daisyworld
M Bardeen
The 17 th White House Papers Graduate Research In Informatics at Sussex, 2004
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Articles 1–18