Andrew Hin Cheong Chan
Andrew Hin Cheong Chan
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Computational geomechanics with special reference to earthquake engineering
OC Zienkiewicz, AHC Chan, M Pastor, BA Schrefler, T Shiomi
Wiley, 1999
Generalized plasticity and the modelling of soil behaviour
M Pastor, OC Zienkiewicz, AHC Chan
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1990
Residual capacity of corroded reinforcing bars
YG Du, LA Clark, AHC Chan
Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (3), 135-147, 2005
Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: a rational approach to quantitative solutions. I. Fully saturated problems
OC Zienkiewicz, AHC Chan, M Pastor, DK Paul, T Shiomi
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1990
The patch test—a condition for assessing FEM convergence
RL Taylor, JC Simo, OC Zienkiewicz, ACH Chan
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 22 (1), 39-62, 1986
Effect of corrosion on ductility of reinforcing bars
YG Du, LA Clark, AHC Chan
Magazine of Concrete Research 57 (7), 407-419, 2005
Unconditionally stable staggered solution procedure for soil‐pore fluid interaction problems
OC Zienkiewicz, DK Paul, AHC Chan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 26 (5), 1039-1055, 1988
A unified finite element solution to static and dynamic problems of geomechanics
A Chan
University Of Tasmania, 1988
Coupled problems and their numerical solution
OC Zienkiewicz, AHC Chan
Numerical methods in coupled systems 1, 1984
Deadline-based dynamic resource allocation and provisioning algorithms in fog-cloud environment
RK Naha, S Garg, A Chan, SK Battula
Future Generation Computer Systems 104, 131-141, 2020
Impact of reinforcement corrosion on ductile behavior of reinforced concrete beams
Y Du, LA Clark, AHC Chan
Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2007
Long-term safety and efficacy of teriflunomide: nine-year follow-up of the randomized TEMSO study
P O'Connor, G Comi, MS Freedman, AE Miller, L Kappos, JP Bouchard, ...
Neurology 86 (10), 920-930, 2016
Finite element analysis of the effects of radial expansion of corroded reinforcement
YG Du, AHC Chan, LA Clark
Computers & structures 84 (13), 917-929, 2006
Movements in the Piccadilly Line tunnels due to the Heathrow Express construction
ML Cooper, DN Chapman, Rogers, C.D.F., AHC Chan
Geotechnique 52 (4), 243-257, 2002
Time buying and time saving: effects on service convenience and the shopping experience at the mall
A Elizabeth Lloyd, R YK Chan, L SC Yip, A Chan
Journal of services Marketing 28 (1), 36-49, 2014
Development of a 3D hybrid finite-discrete element simulator based on GPGPU-parallelized computation for modelling rock fracturing under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions
D Fukuda, M Mohammadnejad, H Liu, Q Zhang, J Zhao, S Dehkhoda, ...
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 1079-1112, 2020
A combined supporting system based on foamed concrete and U-shaped steel for underground coal mine roadways undergoing large deformations
X Tan, W Chen, H Liu, AHC Chan, H Tian, X Meng, F Wang, X Deng
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 68, 196-210, 2017
Plasma exchange therapy for steroid-unresponsive multiple sclerosis relapses: clinical experience with 16 patients
S Schilling, RA Linker, FB König, M Koziolek, M Bähr, GA Müller, ...
Der Nervenarzt 77, 430-438, 2006
Numerical modeling of wave-induced liquefaction around pipelines
SL Dunn, PL Vun, AHC Chan, JS Damgaard
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 132, 276, 2006
User manual for diana-swandyne ii
AHC Chan
Department of Civil Engineering, Glasgow University, UK, 1993
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Articles 1–20