Tongxue Zhou
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A review: Deep learning for medical image segmentation using multi-modality fusion
T Zhou, S Ruan, S Canu
Array 3, 100004, 2019
Automatic COVID‐19 CT segmentation using U‐Net integrated spatial and channel attention mechanism
T Zhou, S Canu, S Ruan
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 31 (1), 16-27, 2021
Latent correlation representation learning for brain tumor segmentation with missing MRI modalities
T Zhou, S Canu, P Vera, S Ruan
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 30, 4263-4274, 2021
A multi-modality fusion network based on attention mechanism for brain tumor segmentation
T Zhou, S Ruan, Y Guo, S Canu
2020 IEEE 17th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 377-380, 2020
An automatic COVID-19 CT segmentation network using spatial and channel attention mechanism
T Zhou, S Canu, S Ruan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.06673, 2020
Brain tumor segmentation with missing modalities via latent multi-source correlation representation
T Zhou, S Canu, P Vera, S Ruan
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020 …, 2020
A Tri-Attention fusion guided multi-modal segmentation network
T Zhou, S Ruan, P Vera, S Canu
Pattern Recognition 124, 108417, 2022
Feature-enhanced generation and multi-modality fusion based deep neural network for brain tumor segmentation with missing MR modalities
T Zhou, S Canu, P Vera, S Ruan
Neurocomputing 466, 102-112, 2021
Fusion based on attention mechanism and context constraint for multi-modal brain tumor segmentation
T Zhou, S Canu, S Ruan
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 86, 101811, 2020
A literature survey of MR-based brain tumor segmentation with missing modalities
T Zhou, S Ruan, H Hu
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 104, 102167, 2023
Lymphoma segmentation in PET images based on multi-view and Conv3D fusion strategy
H Hu, L Shen, T Zhou, P Decazes, P Vera, S Ruan
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 1197-1200, 2020
Feature fusion and latent feature learning guided brain tumor segmentation and missing modality recovery network
T Zhou
Pattern Recognition 141, 109665, 2023
3d medical multi-modal segmentation network guided by multi-source correlation constraint
T Zhou, S Canu, P Vera, S Ruan
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 10243-10250, 2021
A review: Deep learning for medical image segmentation using multi-modality fusion. Array 3–4, 100004
T Zhou, S Ruan, S Canu
Scale adaptive kernelized correlation filter tracker with feature fusion
T Zhou, M Zhu, D Zeng, H Yang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017 (1), 1605959, 2017
Missing data imputation via conditional generator and correlation learning for multimodal brain tumor segmentation
T Zhou, P Vera, S Canu, S Ruan
Pattern Recognition Letters 158, 125-132, 2022
Modality-level cross-connection and attentional feature fusion based deep neural network for multi-modal brain tumor segmentation
T Zhou
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 81, 104524, 2023
Uncertainty quantification and attention-aware fusion guided multi-modal MR brain tumor segmentation
T Zhou, S Zhu
Computers in Biology and Medicine 163, 107142, 2023
Prediction of brain tumor recurrence location based on multi-modal fusion and nonlinear correlation learning
T Zhou, A Noeuveglise, R Modzelewski, F Ghazouani, S Thureau, ...
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 106, 102218, 2023
Extended scale invariant local binary pattern for background subtraction
D Zeng, M Zhu, F Xu, T Zhou
IET Image Processing 12 (8), 1292-1302, 2018
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