Robert Garrett
Robert Garrett
Dean and Professor of Management, University of Memphis
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Corporate venturing: Insights from actual performance
DF Kuratko, JG Covin, RP Garrett
Business Horizons 52 (5), 459-467, 2009
Governance in multilateral R&D alliances
D Li, L Eden, MA Hitt, RD Ireland, RP Garrett
Organization Science 23 (4), 1191-1210, 2012
Examining relationships among family influence, family culture, flexible planning systems, innovativeness and firm performance
JB Craig, C Dibrell, R Garrett
Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (3), 229-238, 2014
Market responsiveness, top management risk taking, and the role of strategic learning as determinants of market pioneering
RP Garrett, JG Covin, DP Slevin
Journal of Business Research 62 (8), 782-788, 2009
Value proposition evolution and the performance of internal corporate ventures
JG Covin, RP Garrett Jr, DF Kuratko, DA Shepherd
Journal of Business Venturing 30 (5), 749-774, 2015
Top management support and Initial strategic assets: A dependency model for internal corporate venture performance
RP Garrett Jr, DO Neubaum
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (5), 896-915, 2013
Entrepreneur start-up versus persistence decisions: A critical evaluation of expectancy and value
DV Holland, RP Garrett
International Small Business Journal 33 (2), 194-215, 2015
Corporate venturing in family business: A developmental approach of the enterprising family
T Minola, M Brumana, G Campopiano, RP Garrett, L Cassia
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 10 (4), 395-412, 2016
Internal corporate venture operations independence and performance: A knowledge–based perspective
RP Garrett Jr, JG Covin
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 39 (4), 763-790, 2015
How do family firms launch new businesses? A developmental perspective on internal corporate venturing in family business
M Brumana, T Minola, RP Garrett, SP Digan
Journal of Small Business Management 55 (4), 594-613, 2017
Environmental effects on the cognitions of corporate and independent entrepreneurs
R Garrett, D Holland
Small Business Economics 45 (2), 369-381, 2015
The interdependence of planning and learning among internal corporate ventures
JG Covin, RP Garrett Jr, JP Gupta, DF Kuratko, DA Shepherd
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (4), 537-570, 2018
Entrepreneurial spawning and knowledge-based perspective: a meta-analysis
RP Garrett, C Miao, S Qian, TJ Bae
Small business economics 49, 355-378, 2017
Internal corporate venture planning autonomy, strategic evolution, and venture performance
B Covin, Garrett, Kuratko
Small Business Economics, 2019
A model of corporate entrepreneurship as a strategic adaptation mechanism
RP Garrett, JG Covin
Entrepreneurial Strategic Processes, 9-31, 2007
Short leash or long leash? Parenting style, initial strategic clarity, and the development of venture learning proficiency
JG Covin, RP Garrett Jr, DF Kuratko, DA Shepherd
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (4), 105951, 2020
Does employee ownership increase innovation?
R Garrett
New England Journal of Entrepreneurship 13 (2), 37-46, 2010
Hybrid Innovation Logics: Exploratory Product Development with Users in a Corporate Makerspace
RE Browder, CJ Crider, RP Garrett
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2022
Challenges of quantitative research on internal corporate venturing
RP Garrett
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2 (2), 129-143, 2010
Impact of relatedness, uncertainty and slack on corporate entrepreneurship decisions
R Garrett, S Mattingly, J Hornsby, A Aghaey
Management Decision 59 (5), 1114-1131, 2020
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Articles 1–20